明末畿輔地域における水利開発事業について : 徐貞明と〓沱河河工
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In postwar Japan, the analysis of water control in Ming and Qing China gives much attention to such subjects as the process by which the Chinese expanded their sphere of life, the form of local communities, and the relationship between state power and rural society. However, except for polemic studies of 'an irrigation association' in the Huabei region, we have tended to concentrate upon explicating the problem of water control mainly in the Yangze valley, especially in Jiangnan delta. Further investigation is needed upon that same subject in the Huabei region, particularly Hebei (Jjhu), where the agricultural production was inferior to the Huazhong and Huanan regions. After the Yuan dynasty located its capital in Beijing, it became a matter of urgent necessity to develop grain cultivation around the capital and to lighten the economic burden of transporting tribute grain from the southern districts to the capital. This paper describes a sequence of projects undertaken by Xu Zhengming (徐貞明), who was well known by his technical writing named Lushui ketan (〓水客談), describing in detail water control in Jifu. He also organized a state project from 1585. The environment such hydraulic construction in the Hebei region and the character of the project itself comes to light by this investigation. As a result of this study, the following point become clear. First, throughout Hebei province, the areas Xu Zhengming picked out as cultivable land can be roughly classified into three: that is, Yongping (永平) Prefecture and the eastern side of Shuntian (順天) prefecture, the Lugou (〓溝) valley, and the Hutuo (〓沱) valley. Xu Zhengming intended to introduce a wet rice plant yielding high productivity per crop. Second, Xu Zhengming's advocacy won several proponents among official circles from 1584, which was probably caused by the exhaustion of economic strength in the Jiangnan delta area as a result of the ill-balanced allocation of the tax and corvee labor servrice during the period. Third, the reason why Xu Zhengming had to gave up this project has been generally attributed to political discordance between the Tonglin (東林) clique, who supported this hydraulic construction, and a 'reactionary' anti-Tonglin clique, who oopposed it on the ground that their illegal control over cultivated or uncultivated land, the latter which generated firewood and reed, might be interfered with by this project. However, according to the other sources minutely describing this hydraulic construction, such as the memorial written by Wang Zhidong (王之棟), a local offcial and landlord, the effectiveness of this project was somewhat doubtful in the first place. From suth a technological viewpoint, political or ideological interpretationd of this issue, which are based on the sources described from those who supported this project, demand some modification. To properly investigating hydraulic construction in Jifu (during that period, we have to analyze more closely the ecological surroundings and regional variation in the Hebei area, and accumulate more case studies throughout Ming and Qing period.
- 公益財団法人史学会の論文
- 1997-06-20
- 書評 三木聰著『明清福建農村社会の研究』
- 山本進著, 『明清時代の商人と国家』, 研文出版, 2002年11月, 296+xi頁, 7,000円
- 明・清(中国)(東アジア)
- 明末畿輔地域における水利開発事業について : 徐貞明と〓沱河河工
- 明代の在京文武官俸・在京軍士月糧に関する一考察 : 漕糧の支出局面をめぐって(第九四回史学会大会報告記事)
- 燕京襍記(一) : 北京の城壁
- 明代の京・通倉
- 前近代中国史研究と流通
- 明代の漕糧と餘米
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