- 論文の詳細を見る
Under the canonization system of the Imperial Funeral in ancient China, the term Da-xing 大行 was generally recognized, according to the maxim "大行受大名 (Great deeds deserve a great title)" in the book Yi-Zhoushu 逸周書 (Shifa 諡法), as a title given to an Emperor Huang-di 皇帝 who had passed away. In Japan, too, there exists such a system for an Emperor Tenno 天皇, which has been recognized as being adopted from China. This means that Da-xing can replace the posthumous title (諡) which corresponds to the 'great title'. In other words, Da-xing was a temporary name during the period from an Emperor's death to the confirmation of his posthumous title. In this case, the word Da-xing means 'great deeds'. At least since the Qin 秦 dynasty, however, Da-xing has meant 'a great journey', which implies 'going to Heaven', though, this interpretation had no direct relation with canonization at that time. Focusing upon the historical literature (白虎通, 風俗通, 独断, 史記, 漢書 etc.), it can be seen that the doctrine of interpreting Da-xing as 'a great journey' was established at the time of the first Emperor Qin-Shihuang 秦始皇, along with the Emperor's unification schemes and inspectional journey system, under the patrimonial nation idea. On the other hand, the doctrine interpreting Da-xing as 'great deeds' in order to canonize the Emperor with a temporary title was established by the Confucian officials known as the Archaic (Gu-wen 古文) scholars, who strongly maintained the Emperor's divinity and absoluteness. These two interpretations advanced and affected the canonization process during the later dynasties. According to the author's analysis of the funeral orations 誄, 諡, 諡冊, 哀策, etc. up to the Tang 唐 dynasty, there are four cases of its interpretation and enforcement. (I)'Great journey', meaning the Emperor's honorable death, is the title given to the deceased Emperor from his death to his burial, but under a non-canonization system (秦). (II)'Great deeds', meaning the Emperor's honorable actions during his lifetime, is a temporary name equivalent to a posthumous title from his death until the conferment of his posthumous title, under the canonization system (漢・晋). (III)A name to differentiate the newly enthroned Emperor from the dead Emperor before the latter was buried (魏・宋・梁・陳・唐初). Though this interpretation implies 'Great journey, honorable death', in fact Da-xing substitutes for his posthumous title. Thus it is an advanced form drawing a compromise between (I) and (II). (IV) A name to differentiate the new Emperor from the dead Emperor until his burial. This interpretation was the same as 'Great journey, honorable death', but in this case Da-xing co-occurs with his posthumous title and other titles (尊号・廓号) to form a name. Therefore, it did not substitute for a posthumous title at all. This is an even more advanced form (唐). In general recognition, Da-xing means 'Great deeds' and indicates a name before the conferment of an Emperor's posthumous title. In actual usage, however, it was interpreted as 'Great journey' and was a name given before his burial in many dynasties. Furthermore during the Tang dynasty the naming process became more flexible and the combination with other titles was allowed, and then Da-xing merely meant 'the deceased / the last'. In Japan, some scholars have noticed the difference between the canonizations of the Chinese Emperor Huang-di and the Japanese Emperor Tenno. But they have not considered those changes of the canonization system in China itself. Thus the Japanese usage demands further investigation.
- 1991-09-20
- 簡州石刻柳宗元「永州八記」再考 : その底本と宋代蜀本『柳集』の系統
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- 柳宗元塋地"萬年縣之少陵原,實棲鳳原"考釋(上) : 唐代長安南郊の"原"と"郷"
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- 偽柳宗元手書「龍城石刻」諸本の特徴と系統(下)