Thermal Stress in the Neighbourhood of an Infinite Row of Holes in a Plate under Uniform Heat Flow
Atsumi Akira
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University Sendai.
Atsumi Akira
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
Muramatsu Masamitsu
Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
- Thermal Stresses in a Circular Cylinder with a Ring of Heat Sources
- Thermal Stress Due to Disturbances of Uniform Heat Flow by an Insulated Spherical Cavity in a Circular Cylinder
- Transient Thermoelastic Problem for a Transversely Anisotropic Hollow Sphere with Temperature-Dependent Properties
- Thermal Stress in the Neighbourhood of an Infinite Row of Holes in a Plate under Uniform Heat Flow
- Transient Thermoelastic Problem for a Transversely Anisotropic Hollow Cylinder with Temperature-Dependent Properties
- Thermal Stresses in an Elastic Thick Plate Containing a Spherical Cavity under Steady Distribution of Temperature : Part 1,Solution for the Case of Symmetric Distribution of Temperature