- 論文の詳細を見る
Low calorific gas-blast furnace gas, blow gas from water gas producer, bone coal gas and underground gasification gas etc. -will are considered the promising one among the fuel applicable for the stationary gas turbine, but if these gases are burned under high heat release, unstable and incomplete combustion is liable to occur. In this experiment, the concentric burner in which fuel gas and air swirled contrariwise each other and cylindrical combustion chamber (inner diameter=64mm) made of fire brick were installed, thus changing air-excess ratio, combustion chamber heat release and preheating temperature. the combustion experiment was made using the fuel gas which was equivalent to blast furnace gas. Though the factors of limiting combustion chamber heat release of combustor are the happening of unstable combustion and of incomplete combustion in case of large excess air, stable combustion was possible to the combustion chamber heat release of 7.00×10^5 kcal/m^3 h without preheating in this combustor, and preheating fuel gas and air to the limit of stable combustion was not spreaded so much, but it was recognized that whole combustion velocity was promoted extremely by increasing the velocity of chemical reaction.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1954-12-20
服部 久雄
服部 久雄
大塚 貞吉
沢井 定
竹内 郁夫
大塚 貞吉
- スーパキャビテーション流体機械研究分科会報告
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