The Influence of the Directional Error of a Hot-Wire on the Output of a Hot-Wire Anemometer : 1st Report, The Case of Laminar Flow : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Aerodynamic Force Acting on a Circular Cylinder with Tangential Injection of Air
- Calculation of Aerodynamic Forces Acting on a Circular Cylinder with Tangential Injection of Air Immersed in a Uniform Flow
- The Influence of the Directional Error of a Hot-Wire on the Output of a Hot-Wire Anemometer : 1st Report, The Case of Laminar Flow : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- The Wall-Jet on a Circular Cylinder Immersed in Uniform Flow