Travelling Azimuthal Waves on Taylor Vortices of the Flow between Two Concentric Spheres with the Inner Shere Rotating : 1st Report, States and Modulation of Travelling Waves
- Fundamental Frequencies and Characteristics of Disturbance in the Laminar-Turbulent Transition Process of the Flow between Two Concentric Spheres with the Inner Sphere Rotating : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysic
- Travelling Azimuthal Waves on Taylor Vortices of the Flow between Two Concentric Spheres with the Inner Shere Rotating : 1st Report, States and Modulation of Travelling Waves
- Travelling Azimuthal Waves on Taylor Vortices of the Flow Between Two Concentric Spheres with the Inner Sphere Rotating : 2nd Report, Conditions of Occurrence and Modal Analysis of Modulated Wavy-Vortex Flow