PSMにおける器官選択 : 精神身体医学における心的特性の特異性について : 第7回日本精神身体医学会総会より
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There are still some scepticism and confusion concerning the specificity concepts in psychosomatic medicine. Yet, it is possible to point out certain specific characters in the same psychosomatic disease (PSD), even though the investigators differ from each other in their formulation or the results they emphasize according to their thinkings. It impossible to establish a common basis for the formulation of the results, since psychological studies of the patients are, in the most strict sense, incapable of covering their physical processes completely at the same time, and this is the case with physical studies, too. Personality structure in psychosomatic medicine is often studied on the indetical basis of the study of personality structure in neurotics or psychotics. However, the study on the PSD should be aimed at PSD as such, since PSD itself is neither neuroses nor psychoses. It follows that PSD should be investigated on the basis of comparing the results of PSDs obtained under the identical research conditions. According to this thinking, we compared the results of Rorschach test, TAT and interview obtained from various PSDs, such as hypertension, Meniere's disease, peptic ulcer, chronic urticaria, neuromusclar diseases, etc. We would like to name the dynamic holistic psychic structure present in the each described personality traits as the "core structure" of each PSD. The psychic factors in PSD are frequently regarded as the precipitating factors in PSD are frequently regarded as the precipitating factor of the disease, but the development of PSD in caused by a dynamic interrelation of psychosomatic reaction basis with precipitating factors. In this regard, psychosomatic reaction basis is holistic entity, which could not be divided into "psychic" and "somatic" factors. In some PSD, it it possible to pick up characteristics by the theory and methodology of the thinking which regards the disposition as the important factor, and dynamic personality structure including the core structure can be pointed out using psychological approach. So, the personality structure of the patients is believed to be participating in the formation of the disposition of the disease, in addition to the function as a precipitating factor. Core structure thus examined shows a typical manifestation of dynamic insight into the core structure is essential for the predictive studies of PSD.
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