Calculation of Leaked Neutron Spectrum and Induced Radioactivity by the Criticality Accident
Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University.
Imanaka Tetsuji
Research Reactor Inst Kyoto Univ.
- Measurement of Residual ^Eu Activity Induced by Atomic BombNeutrons in Nagasaki and the Contribution of Environmental Neutrons to This Activity
- Measurement of Residual ^Co Activity Induced by Atomic-bomb Neutrons in Nagasaki and Background Contribution by Environmental Neutrons
- Determination of Radionuclides Induced by Fast Neutrons from the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura, Japan for Estimating Neutron Doses
- External Radiation in Dolon Village Due to Local Fallout from the First USSR Atomic Bomb Test in 1949
- Width and Center-axis Location of the Radioactive Plume That Passed Over Dolon and Nearby Villages on the Occasion of the First USSR A-bomb Test in 1949
- Calculation of Leaked Neutron Spectrum and Induced Radioactivity by the Criticality Accident
- Residual ^Eu and ^Co activities in Nagasaki
- Transport Calculation of Neutrons Leaked to the Surroundings of the Facilities by the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Acute Radiation Injury among Inhabitants and Dose Evaluation by the Chernobyl Accident
- Research Activities about the Chernobyl NPP Accident in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia
- Calculation of Neutron Dose around the JCO Site Due to the Criticality Accident
- Reactions between SiC and Pd or CeO2 at High Temperatures