^<239,240>Pu and ^<137>Cs Concentrations in Marine Organisms of the Seas around Japan
Hirano Shigeki
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. Nakaminato Center
Aono Tatsuo
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. Nakaminato Center
YAMADA Masatoshi
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. Nakaminato Center
- Concentrations of technetium-99 in Sargassum thunbergii collected in the Coasts of the Japanese Islands
- ^Pu and ^Cs Concentrations in Marine Organisms of the Seas around Japan
- Concentrations of Technetium-99 in Sargassum thunbergii
- The Concentration of ^Tc in Sargassum thumbergii in Japan
- Concentrations of ^Pu and ^Cs seawater and marine organisms from the Japan Sea.
- Concentrations of Technetium-99 in Umitoranoo collected at several Areas from Japanese Coasts.
- Concentrations of technctium-99 in Sargassum thunbergii collected in the Coasts of the Japancse Islands