Photoabsorption Spectrum of DNA in Ultrasoft X-ray Region
Kobayashi Katsumi
Photon Factory Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organizatio
Yokoya A
Spring-8 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Yokoya Akinari
Japan Atomic Energy Agency Advanced Res. Sci. Center
Yokoya Akinari
Spring-8 Jaeri
Hieda Kotaro
Biophys. Lab. Fac. Sci. Rikkyo Univ.
Kobayashi K
Photon Factory Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organizatio
College of Science, Rikkyo University
YOKOYA Akinari
Takasaki Radiat. Chem. Res. Establishment, JAERI
Takasaki Radiat. Chem. Res. Establishment, JAERI
HARA Takehiro
SPring-8, JAFRI, Rikkyo Univ.
HIEDA Kotaro
SPring-8, JAFRI, Rikkyo Univ.
Hara Takehiro
College Of Science Rikkyo University
Watanabe Ritsuko
Watanabe R
Kobayashi Katsumi
Photon Factory Imss. Kek
Kobayashi Katsumi
Photon Fac. Nat'l Lab. High Energy Phsics
Yokoya Akinari
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kobayashi Katsumi
Photon Factory Institute Of Materials Structure Science High Energy Accelerator Research Organizatio
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