Structure of Rain Water Drainage System in Rokkasho Village, Aomori Pref.
Iwakura Tetsuo
Natl. Inst. Radiolo. Sci.
Tanaka-miyamoto Kiriko
Natl. Inst. Radiolo. Sci.
Inoue Yoshikazu
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Inoue Yoshikazu
Natl. Inst. Radiolo. Sci.
IYOGI Takashi
Inst. Envi. Sci.
- Combined Effects of γ-rays and Acidification on an Experimental Model Ecosystem
- Structure of Rain Water Drainage System in Rokkasho Village, Aomori Pref.
- Structure of water drainage system in Rokkasho Village. Ao.ori Pref.
- Tritiul concentration in the surface water from Rokkasho Village. Aolori Pref.
- Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Radiation and Acidification on Aquatic Ecosystems Using a Microcosm.
- Assessment of Radiation Effects on Ecosystem Using Microcosms