- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpous of the present study was to find the fundamental information on the viscous deformation of practically used steel making nozzle bricks at elevated temperatures. Creep curves were obtained at 1200℃ and under loads in the range 0〜10 kg/cm^2,then stress-strain curves were determined based on a mathematical criterion for separating the viscous portion of the deformation from the elastic and delayed elastic components. The shaps of all flow curves was similar to the plastic flow with a yield value. The temperature effect on viscosity was examined on a home product brick at temperatures in the range 1100°〜1250℃ with a result that log viscosity varied linearly with the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. The apparent activation energy of viscous flow could be estimated as 31.4kcal/mol. In order ta investigate any internal Structure changes during the load test, the microscopic observation was employed to compare the specimen before and after the test and from the results was considered the mechanism of deformation.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1962-10-01
- 熔鉱炉々壁煉瓦の侵蝕について
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