- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been established that an aluminum single crystal having <100> tensile orientation shows initial rapid hardening. After about two to three percent elongation, the tensile stress-strain curve becomes flat until the necking point. It has been reported that the prominent cross slip which does not usually occur in aluminum but does, for example, in α-brass, was observed in this flat region of the curve. However, many problems pertaining to the relation between the deformation mode and the stress-strain curve of the <100> oriented single crystal have remained unsolved. In the present paper, the <100> oriented aluminum single crystals were tested in tension at room temperature and the deformation mode was examined by observation of slip lines and the changes of orientation of tensile axis. Initially, the flow stress of the <100> oriented single crystals increased rapidly due to multiple slips. After about 2% elongation, clustered slips accompanied by the prominent cross slips were formed and the deformation proceeded by the propagation of these clustered slips, likely as the Luders band deformation. Therefore, the flow stress of the single crystals became constant. After about 20% elongation, the tensile orientation of the single crystals deviated from <100> axis, due to the deformation by the clustered slips, and suitable slip systems for the deviated tensile orientation which were not accompanied by the prominent cross slips were activated. The occurrence of the prominent cross slips in aluminum crystals primarily depends on the ratio of shear stress on the cross slip system to that of the primary slip system, and in a crystal having a large value of this ratio, i. e., a tensile orientation near <100> axis, the prominent cross slip occurs.
- 1976-08-15
- (2-11) アルミニウム静水圧押出材の残留応力
- (2-10) 軟鋼静水圧押出材の残留応力
- 3-4 熱弾性型 Au-Cd-Cu マルテンサイト合金の変形機構
- 〈100〉軸方向アルミニウム単結晶の塑性変形と遠間隔交さすべり
- 2-15 熱弾性型 Au-Cd マルテンサイトの擬弾性
- (3-35) Al および Al-Mg 合金の繰返し捩り変形と Bauschinger 効果
- 2-22 Cu および Cu-Zn 合金の繰返し捩り変形による Baushinger 効果
- Σ7およびΣ21傾角対応粒界を有するアルミニウム双結晶の塑性変形
- 軸方位アルミニウム単結晶の塑性変形
- 125 多重すべり軸方位を有するアルミニウム単および双結晶の変形挙動
- 2-32 軸方位アルミニウム単結晶の塑性変形におよぼす変形温度の影響
- 3-6 軸方位アルミニウム単結晶および双結晶の塑性変形
- "初級金属学", 北田正弘(著), (昭和53年1月, (株)アグネ発刊, B5判, 246頁, \2,200)
- 127 Cu および Cu-Zn 合金のねじり変形と高温延性
- 2-36 Cu-Sn マルテンサイトの機械的性質と形状記憶効果 : (II 室温時効と超弾性挙動)
- 2-35 Cu-Sn マルテンサイトの機械的性質と形状記憶効果 : (I 形状記憶効果)
- 2-31 傾角対応粒界を有する 軸方位アルミニウム双結晶の塑性変形
- 3-8 α-Cu-Al, Cu-Zn 固溶体合金の低温焼鈍硬化
- 3-7 軸方位銅単結晶の塑性変形
- 2-14 アルミニウム等軸双結晶の塑性変形
- 3-4 双晶帯を含む銅単結晶の塑性変形におよぼす双晶境界の影響
- 3-3 アルミニウム等軸双結晶の塑性変形におよぼす結晶粒界の影響
- 軸方位銅単結晶の変形挙動
- 3-2 ジルコニウム多結晶の繰返し変形挙動および転位運動の障害について
- 2-17 Cu-9at% Al 合金単結晶のエッチピット技術による転位観察
- (3-38) ジルコニウムの変形応力の熱および非熱成分
- (3-37) α-黄銅単結晶の Portevin-LeChatelier 効果
- 1-17 Ag-Al 固溶体合金の繰返し変形と Portevin-LeChatelier 効果