- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was conducted to estimate the rigidity and the deformation of the fiber composites with complicated fiber orientation. The new method which was able to indicate various fiber oriented states by use of an incomplete beta function was proposed in the previous paper. In this paper, a generalized laminated theory was presented to analyse the streaa-strain for the fiber compossites with a certain fiber oriented distribution. The effect of fiber oriented distribution on the elastic moduli of these composites was discussed by the proposd formulation. The numerical results on the elastic moduli agreed well with the experimental date. Furthermore, the deformationbehavior of a laminated plate was estimated by combining this lamination theory with the finite element method. The numerical example of the deformation under uniaxial loading was shown for a composite plate with a typical orientation state.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1990-06-15
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