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Extrusion characteristics are intimately associated with the product properties of building materials. In this paper, both extruding pressure and extruding velocity were measured to investigate the extrusion characteristics of mortars. The mortars were prepared from fone silica sand aggregated of various sizes (6 kinds of silica sand and standard sand) and had different water contents. The water content ratio which resulted in good surface appearance of moulding was little higher for the fine aggregates than for the coarse ones. The extruding pressure dropped abruptly with an increase of water content ratio. The extruding velocity increased with increasing water content ratio. The upward trend of extruding velocity declined at high water content ratio. The water content ratio had much more influence on extruding pressure and velocity than the grading of aggregates had. In the cases of organic thermoplastics and clay like ceramics, the extruding pressure and velocity have been known to be prescribed by the extruder operating point determined by a cross point of screw characteristics and die characteristics. It seems to be possible to apply this operating point concept to the extrusion of mortar.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1987-11-15
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- 新複合成形法--鋼線補強セメント製出成形 (無機構造材料に関する研究(昭和50年〜53年度特別研究)) -- (研究の概要)
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