- 論文の詳細を見る
Failure in the Brazillian test (diametral compression of a disc) has been numerically analyzed on the basis of the Grifith fracture criterion. The analysis indicates that angle subtended by the loaded arc strongly affects the position and the load of failure. Failure occurs away from the center of the disc for small angles, but it initiates at the center for the angle over a certain degree. The load of failure increases with increasing angle, and the derivative of the load against angle changes abruptly at that certain angle. These results agree with the experimental studies performed by others. It is erroneous to calculate the splottong tensile strength as P/πRL without respect to the angle subtended by the loaded arc, where P is the load of failure, R is the radius of the disc, and L is the thickness of the disc. A definition of the splitting tensile strength is suggested. For practical purposes, the suitable length of the loaded arc and an approximation of the splitting tensile strength are suggest.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1987-11-15
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