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The slow growth characteristics of indentation-induced microcracks in soda-lime-silica glass were investigated. Vickers indentations were made on glass specimens at loads of 4 and 7 kgf, respectively, in both air and water environments at room temperature, and the extension of median/radial and lateral cracks was monitored by optical microscopy over a long period of time after indentation. Fractographic features of the post-indentation slow crack growth were also examined on specimens subsequently broken from the indentation-induced flaw under bending. Although a theory suggests that a logarithmic plot of the median/radial crack size υs. the time after unloading should give a linear relation, the crack growth data in both air and water environments could not be represented by a single straight line over the entire range of time followed. In air environment, a characteristic slow-down in growth rate of the median/radial crack was observed at about 0.5 to 1 hours after unloading. This may be caused by a relaxation of the effective residual stresses resulting from an appreciable extension of lateral crack. The post-indentation slow crack growth behaviour in moist environments was interpreted in terms of median/radial-lateral crack interaction effects. A possible use of the post-indentation crack growth data for fatigue parameter evaluation of glass was also discussed.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1986-02-15
- ガラスにおけるクラックの伝ぱに及ぼす不均質の影響(セラミックスの微細構造)
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- Ceramic Material Research, R. J. Brook (編), 1989年, Elsevier Science Publoshers 発行, 20×27cm, 447ページ, Dfl.220
- "無機ファイン材料の化学", 中西典彦, 坂東尚周 (編著), 小菅皓二, 曽我直弘, 平野眞一, 金丸文一 (共著), 1988年, 三共出版 (株) 発刊, A5判, 351ページ, 定価3900円
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- Current Topics in Materials Science, Volume12 : E.Kaldis(編), 1985年, North-Holland/Elsevier Science Publishers 発刊, 23×15.5cm, 483ページ, Dfl.233.75
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- Defect Properties and Processing of High-Technology Nonmetallic Materials, J.H.Crawford, Jr., Y.Chen, W.A.Sibley(編), 1984年, North-Holland/Elsevier Science Publishers発刊, 170×250mm, 482ページ, Dfl.250.00
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