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It is well known that thermal stresses occur in steel structural members by rapid heat transfer from molten zinc, when they are hot dip zinc galvanized, and the residual deformation remains in them. If they have notches, the stress concentration can be induced. On the other hand, it was previously reported by the author that steel was markedly embrittled when coated with molten zinc and then deformed in tension. In this study, from the point of view of fracture mechanics, fracture toughness tests were carried out in molten zinc and the nominal fracture toughness K_i of SM50A steel was obtained using the notched 3 point bend specimens. By analyzing the nominal stress intensity factor at the slit tip of the notched rectangular SM50A steel plate immersed in molten zinc, the immersing speed of crack initiation was obtained. The result of the immersion tests on the notched rectangular plate coincided well with the above analysis. The results obtained are as follows : (1) nominal fracture toughness K_i in molten zinc of 16 mm thick SM50A steel plate with 0. 3 mm notch width was 100 kgf/mm^3/2. (2) Even if there exists the stress just below the crack initiating level in molten zinc, the delayed fracture hardly occurred within 10 min. (3) The maximum nominal stress intensity factor at the slit tip of the notched rectangular steel plate decreased with increasing immersing speed.
- 1981-02-15
- 680 溶融亜鉛による鋼の液体金属ぜい化に関する評価試験方法(ほうろう・液体金属脆化, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 105 回(春季)講演大会)
- 681 鉄塔用 60 キロ鋼の合金成分設計と鋼板の諸特性 : 送電鉄塔用 60 キロ高張力鋼の開発(第 1 報)(ほうろう・液体金属脆化, 材料, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 105 回(春季)講演大会)
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- 溶融亜鉛中における綱の溶接部強度
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- 溶融亜鉛中における鋼の液体金属ぜい化割れに関する研究
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- 液体亜鉛による鋼のぜい化について
- 307 鍛造フランジ付鋼管鉄塔部材溶融亜鉛めっき時の熱応力および変形(弾塑性挙動)
- 138 溶融亜鉛による鋼の液体金属ぜい化割れの応力集中部に対する影響
- 溶融亜鉛による鋼の液体金属ぜい化
- 溶融亜鉛めつき時における鋼の液体金属ぜい化
- 208 溶融亜鉛中における切欠き付鋼板モデルの熱応力による液体金属ぜい化割れについて
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