セラミックスの摺動摩耗特性に及ぼす材料の組み合わせの影響 : 摺動面表面粗度の変化に着目した解析
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In the previous paper, sliding wear properties of oxide ceramics was evaluated using an indentation fracture model in which the effect of roughness at the frictional surface was assessed. This model was tested for non-oxide ceramics at various vertic-al load, and the transition of wear properties was studied with a pin-on-disk tester using SiC, Al_2O_3 and ZrO_2 as pin, and SiC, Si_3N_4 and Al_2O_3 as disk. Wear increased by more than ten times depending on the combination of pin and disk materials. When the frictional surface was smoothed by the increased vertical load, the wear was independent of the load. To ex-plain this phenomenon, an equation was derived to estimate quantitatively the effect of a roughness at the frictional surface on wear. Hence, the wear transition was estimated for the sliding surface, of which roughness depends on the vertical load. However, the effect of material combination on the wear was not able to be explained by this equation completely. This result suggested that the transition of wear by material combination was took place by the changed wear mechanism.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1989-04-01
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