104. Anatomical and Radiological Study of the Anterior Falx Artery
Shiga Hayao
Department Of Radiology Osaka University Medical School
Shiga Hayao
Department Of Radiology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kuru Yutaka
Department Of Radiology Osaka University Medical School
Kuru Yutaka
Department Of Neurosurgery Juntendo University School Of Medicine
- 51 51. Experiences of Cases with Tumors lying within and adjacent to Incisura Tentorii
- 6. Measurement of One Intrathalamic Point Represented by the Superior Thalamic Vein and Its Clinical Significance
- 73 73. Designation of the Arteries shown in the Vertebral Angiography
- 28. Experience of Stereotaxic Radio-Gasserian-Gangliotomy by Linac Irradiation and Its Basic Experiment
- 18. Diagnosis of the Epidermoid in the Posterior Fossa
- Diagnostic Imaging of Bone Metastasis from Breast Cancer
- Diagnostic Significance of Computed Tomography in Unilateral Exophthalmos
- B-25. Orbital Peseudotumor in Neurological Surgery
- 118. Radioanatomical Study of Meningeal Branches of the Ophthalmic Artery (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- Basiparallel Tomography to Diagnosis of an Extraaxial Mass in the Posterior Fossa
- Neurosyphilis Manifesting as a Focal Mass Lesion:Computed Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features : Case Report
- 104. Anatomical and Radiological Study of the Anterior Falx Artery
- 104. Anatomical and Radiological Study of the Anterior Falx Artery