101. Retrograde Cerebral Angiogram (Part II) : -On the Neck Position and Vertebral System-
Hayashi Masayuki
Dept.of Neurosurgery Nagoya National Hosp.
NOMURA Takayoshi
Dept.of Neurosurgery,Nagoya National Hosp.
Nomura Takayoshi
Dept.of Neurosurgery Nagoya National Hosp.
Nomura Takayoshi
Dept. Of Neurosurgery Nagoya National Hospital
- 101. Retrograde Cerebral Angiogram (Part II) : -On the Neck Position and Vertebral System-
- D-4. Occlusion of the Circle of Willis (Special Discussion:Occulsive Arterial Disorders of the Main Trnks of the Cerebral Arteries,Particularly Found in Japan)
- 81 81. A New Technical Idea for the Operation of the Intracranial Aneurysm and A-V-Malformation