100. An Experience of Bilateral Stellate Ganglionectomy for the Patient with Hyperhidrosis
Takayama Shigenobu
Neurosurgical Service The First National Hospital Of Tokyo
Takayama Shigenobu
Neurosurgery The First National Hospital Tokyo
- 1. Experience of Stereotaxic Thalamotomy for Relif of Pain : Different Effect of Electrecal Stimulation to Pars Parvocellularis and Macrocellularis (PROCEEDINGS OF THE Vth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 31. Artificia Hidernation in Neurosurgical patient (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- 17. Hemichorea reproduced by Electric Stimulation in the Contralateral Thalamus and Treated by Chemothalamotomy
- 100. An Experience of Bilateral Stellate Ganglionectomy for the Patient with Hyperhidrosis
- 17. Hemichorea reproduced by Electric Stimulation in the Contralateral Thalamus and treated by Chemothalamotomy