4. Electrical stimulation of the humanthalamic nuclei and the cortical evoked responses
Matsumoto Keizo
Neurological School Okayama University Medical School
Nishimoto Akira
Neurological School Okayama University Medical School
Nishimoto Akira
Department Of Neurosurgery Okayama University Medical School
Ohmoto Takashi
Neurological School Okayama University Medical School
NANBA Shinpei
Neurological School, Okayama University Medical School
Matsumoto Keizo
Department Of Neurosurgery Okayama University Medical School
Nanba Shinpei
Neurological School Okayama University Medical School
- i-3. Use of ultrasonics in operation of ventriculoatrial shunt
- 119 119. Studies on the Chronic Subdural Hematoma
- 8 8. Frequency Analysis and Power Spectrum of Parkinsonian Thalamic Activity (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 4. Electrical stimulation of the humanthalamic nuclei and the cortical evoked responses
- 11. In Some Aspect of Electrical Stimulation of the Ventrolateral Nucleus and the Centromedian of the Human Thalamus
- 12. Frequency analysis and power spectrum of the thalamic activity in parkistonism and dystonia
- u-10. Recent X-ray diagnosis in neurosurgery
- b-4. Evoked potentials following single Stimulation of the Ventrolateral Nucleus of the Thalamus in Man