69. Morphological Studies of Cultured Cells Derived from Human Cervix with Normal and Abnormal Epithelium
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1984-11-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Kudo R.
Division Of Perinatal Medicine Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Sapporo Medical University Sc
Kudo R.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sapporo Med. College
Hayakawa O.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Sapporo Med. College
Hayakawa O.
Division Of Perinatal Medicine Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Sapporo Medical University Sc
- 234. Immuno-endocrinological Study on Spontaneous Abortion in early Pregnancy
- 500 A correlative radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemical study on the sex difference in pituitary gonadotropin storage in maturing rats.
- 12 A case report of Buschke-Lowenstein tumor and human papillomavirus.
- 56 Specific and highly sensitive detection of human papillomavirus in cervical lesions by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
- 16 The physical state of human papillomavirus type 16 DNA in cervical dysplasia and carcinoma in situ.
- 15 The presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in squamous metaplasia, dysplasia and carcinoma in situ (CIS).
- 7 p53 gene expression in human uterine cervical cancer.
- 367 Analysis of k-ras point mutation and T cell infiltration in endometrial cancer.
- 299 p53 gene and ras oncogene expressions in human ovarian cancers.
- 18 The expression of ras oncogene product p21 in the carcinogenesis of cervical squamous epithelium.
- 136 Examination of the relationship between infiltration of T cells and proliferative cells in tissues of endometrial cancer.
- 322. Identification of Proliferating Cells in Normal and Malignant Cervical Tissues
- 321. Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Study on the Invasion and Proliferation in Microinvasive Cancer of the Human Uterine Cervix
- 4. Immunohistochemical Study of ras Oncogene Product p21 among Precancerous Lesions and Squamous Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Uterine Cervix
- 364. Identification of Transferrin Receptor on Gynecological Tissues
- 415. The Ultrastructural Studies of Uterine Leiomyosarcoma
- 245. ldentification of T Cell and T Cell Subsets in Human Normal Endometrium and Endometrial Cancer of Uterus
- 283.Identification of Functional T Cell Subsets and Natural Killer Cells Infiltrating in Uterine Cervical Cancer Tissues : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- 136.A Survey on the Incidence rate of Cervical, Endometrial Cancer and the Actual State of Affairs Regarding Cytological Examination in Hokkaido : XXIII Malignant Tumor(III)
- 13. Morphological Studies of Each Histological Type and Redisensitivity in Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 13. Cytological Studies and the Effect of Anticarcinogen and Irradiation on Cultured Tumor Cells
- 12. Relationship between Each Histological Type and Radiosensitivity in Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 41. Study on the Mechanism of Fasting Therapy-The Author's Personal Experience
- 310.The Symptoms and Plasma Hormonergic Levels of the Climacteric Syndrome : XXXXXII Adolescence Climacterium and Postmenopause(I)
- 69 Expression of m-RNA by in situ hybridization with photobiotinylated DNA probes of HPV16 and Hras oncogene.
- 24 The production of monoclonal antibody reactive with cervical adenocarcinoma of the uterus.
- 77. Chemosensitivity of Human Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma and Uterine Cervical Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines to Anticancer Drugs
- 235 A study about GTP-binding protein in rat cultured luteal cells.
- 227. The Mechanisms of Arachidonic Acid from Cultured Rat Luteal Cells
- 224. Luteolytic Effect of Estradiol-17β on Progesterone Production by Human Luteal Cells in Culture
- 295. Ability of Human Corpus Luteum to Produce Prostaglandins and their Effect on Progesterone Produc-tion of Human Corpus Luteum
- 303 CA 125 production of human ovarian cancer cell lines and their cell kinetics under the addition of several drugs.
- 109 Dysgerminoma and gonadoblastoma in a phenotypic female with 45, X/47, XYY mosaicism.
- 495 Studies on the mammalian implantation in vitro.
- 103 Factors affecting carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) synthesis and secretion by cultured human ovarian cancer cells.
- Usefulness of amniotic chromosome screening and triple marker screening In our Department : Papers Presented from Platform
- Antenatal diagnosis and management of urethrorectal fistula, imperforate anus and urethral atresia : Papers Presented from Platform
- 69. Morphological Studies of Cultured Cells Derived from Human Cervix with Normal and Abnormal Epithelium
- 45. Studies on Estrogen Receptor in Normal and Cancerous Human Uterine Endometrium by Immunological Methods
- 223. (Abstract is not available)
- 148 Useful screening for HTLV-1 carrier pregnants with new enzyme immunoassay using gag-env hybrid antigen (GE).