99 Implication of kinin-kallikrein (K-K) system in the pathogenesis of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS).
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1991-08-01
Dept. of machine intelligence and systems engineering, Akita prefectural university
Kodama H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Maki M.
Dept. Obst And Gynec. Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Matsui T.
Dept. Biochem. Eng. and Sci., Fac. Comp. Sci. and Sys. Eng., Kyushu Inst. Technol.
Yoshioka T.
Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Osaka City Univ.
Takeda S.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Sekine K.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Maki M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Sekine K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Yoshioka T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Akita Univ. Sch. Med.
Yoshioka T.
Dept. Anat. Shimane Med. Univ.
- Controlling the Workpiece Rotation Speed with an Ultrasonic Regulator in Microscale Centerless Grinding(M^4 processes and micro-manufacturing for science (continued))
- 443 Effect of nifedipine on prostaglandin E_2 production in human amnion cells.
- 433 Effect of Calphobindins on Procoagulant Activity on Human Endothelial Cells
- 345 Evaluation of chorioamnionitis and fetal infection by mesuring polymorphonuclear leucocyte elastase in the amniotic fluid.
- 190 Change of human fetal foramen ovale flow during feral breathing movements.
- 115 Incidence of respiratory distress syndrome and neonetal outcome during the last eleven years and its obstetric background.
- 272 Ultrasonographic evaluation of the tocolytic therapy.
- 153 Inhibition of phospholipase A_2 by Calphobindins.
- 385 Investigation of ultrasonographic diagnosis of cervical incompetence by using TV-probe.
- 359 Effect of terbutaline on preterm labor after ineffective intravenous ritodrine therapy.
- 355 The correlation between high surfactant level in amniotic fluid and chorioamnionitis in premature deliveries without PROM.
- 92 Isolation and characterization of an anticoagulant protein (Calphobindin-III) from human placenta.
- 64 Evaluation of fetal circulation with the combined echosonography method.
- 394. Characteristics of Calphobindin. Its Binding Properties to Phospholipid and Competitive Relationship with Clotting Factors
- 532 Molecular makers of DIC in toxemia preganancy.
- 58. The Immunocytochemical Lacalization of the Calphobindin in the Human Term Placenta
- 327. Effective Ways of Administration of Tocolysis Agents by Pregnant Rabbit's Chronic Preparation
- 396. Studies on Prevention from Vitamin K Deficiency in Neonatal Infant
- 6. Treatment of Threatened Premature Labour with Continuous Drip Infusion of Terbutaline and Factors Contributing to the Prognosis
- 307. Studies on the Amniotic Fluid Specific Protein
- 81. Studies on the Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor in the Human Placenta : The Partial Purification and Mechanism
- 189. On 342 Amniotic Fluid Samples, a Comparison of the Surfactant Lipoprotein and Three Simple and Rapid Tests for Prediction of Fetal Lung Maturity
- 80. Studies of the Placental Coagulation Inhibitor (2)
- 135. Studies on the Placental Coagulation Inhibitor
- 28. Changes of Kallikrein-Kinin System in Plasma during Pregnancy and Labor
- BISPHENOL A SUPPRESSES THE ELEVATION OF THYROID HORMONE RECEPTOR BETA INDUCED BY THYROID HORMONE IN XENOPUS LARVAE(Endocrinology)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- ANALYSIS OF REPAIRING PROCESS OF THE TUNIC IN HALOCYNTHIA RORETZI(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 115 Effect of antiphospholipid autoantibodies on the results of in vitro fertilization.
- 99 Implication of kinin-kallikrein (K-K) system in the pathogenesis of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome(OHSS).
- 78 The factors associated with fertilization capacity of epididymal spermatozoa in the patients with obstructive azoospermia.
- 136 Efficacy of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment (long protocol) for in vitro fertilization.
- 36 Effect of antisperm antibodies in males on in vitro fertilization.
- 30 Prediction of fertilizing capacity in vitro in the patients with male infertility by detailed analysis of sperm morphology.
- 274 Isolation and Identification of Embryo-derived Platelet-activating Factor in mice.
- 389. The Difference in Sex Hormone Dependence for Gap Junction Formation in the Muscles of the Uterine Liomyoma and Normal Myometrium
- 161. Correlation between Uterine Gap Junction Formation and the Concentration of Plasma Sex Steroids in Late Pregnant and Term Rats
- 245 Analysis of pregnancy cases during administration of drugs to male infertility.
- Global Climate Impact Study of VLS-PV installation in Deserts
- 293 The effects of opioides peptides on the progesterone production by human placenta.
- 119.Problems in Heparin Therapy for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) : XX Hematology(I)
- 12.Distribution of Fibronectin in Connective Tissue Stroma of Cervical Cancer and Plasma Levels of Cold Insoluble Globulin in Patients with Cervical Cancer : II Malignant Tumor(II)
- Rescue of nonsense mutation in mdx mice by aminoglycoside antibiotics(Taxonomy and Systematics)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- 6 Immunohistological studies on the basement membrane and lymph node matastasis in endometrial carcinoma.
- 48 Examination of conservative treatment in patient with juvenile uterine cervical cancer.
- 297 Study on DNA ploidy of primary epithelial ovarian cancer.
- 324 Significance of para-aortic node irradiation in the treatment of cervical cancer.
- 27 Establishment of human uterine sarcoma in nude mice.
- 119 Effects of assisted hatching at 2 cell stage on embryo growth.
- 75 Chymotripsin treatment enhances fertilization in in vitro fertilization
- 195 Clinicopathological Studies of Unusual Leiomyoma
- 340. Studies on Significance and Adaptation of Consurvative Therapy by CO_2 Laser Surgery of Neoplasia of Uterine Cervix
- 328. The Prediction of Radiation Sensitivity in the Patient of the Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 200 Studies on the hystological changes and PRL localization in mammary and uterine tissues in hyperprolactinemic immature female rats.
- 494 Adoptive immunotherapy of human endometrial carcinoma using cytotoxic T lymphocytes and newly established carcinoma cell line.
- 502 Maternal steroid sulfatase activity carring a infant with placental sulfatase deficiency.
- Simulations for recording processes of crescent-shape domain in MO Media
- 483. The Immunosuppressive Mechanisms of Human T Cell Proliferation Pathways by a Choriocarcinoma Cell Derived Factor
- 212 Synthesis of 12 hydroxy eicosatetraenoic acid in human endometium and decidua.
- 21 Significance of thrombin・antithrombin III complex and plasmin・α2 plasmin inhibitor complex in gynecological cancer.
- 90 Relation between kinin-kallikrein and contact factors during parturition.
- Simulations for deformation processes of arbitrary domain shape in MO media
- 455. Effect of Prolactin on the Steroidogenesis in Human Granulosa-luteinized Cells
- 42. Study on the Mechanism of Androgen Action-Effect of Androgen on FSH Receptor, Cyclic AMP and the Production of Estrogen in Rat Granulosa Cells
- 183. Ovarian Gonadotropin and Prolactin Receptor Activities in Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- 9.Modulation of LH Receptor and Serum Hormone Levels in Rat Ovary with Hyperprolactinemia Induced by Ovine Prolactin or Sulpiride : II Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(II)
- 117. Oxigen Toxicity : Developmental Characteristics of Superoxide Dismutase and Lipid Peroxidation
- 414. Trials of Cisplatin-based IP Chemotherapy (IAP, CAP) for Patients with Ovarian Cancer
- 357. A Study of Irradiation-caused Changes in Cell Kinitics and Morphology
- 530 The influence of Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) to the clotting, fibrinolysis and kinin-kallikrein systems.
- 211 Design of the Ultrasonic Elliptic-vibration Shoe and its Performance in Ultrasonic Elliptic-vibration Shoe Centerless Grinding
- 128 Fundamental Investigation of Internal Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Grinding of Small Holes
- 121 A prospective study of psychosomatic consequence of hysterectomy.
- 534 Binding of nuclear factors extracted from trophoblastic tumor cells to the regulatory elements of HLA class I gene.
- GOBLET CELL ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN SILKWORM MIDGUT EPITHELIUM : ITS ENTITY AND FUNCTION AS A SPECIFIC ATPase : Biochemistry : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- 140. (Abstract is not available)
- STRUCTURAL TRANSITION BETWEEN CRUCIFORM AND TRIPLEX DNA IN AN INVERTED REPEAT SEQUENCE(Genetics)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- DB3 CO-ARIS, A COFACTOR FOR ACROSOME REACTION-INDUCING SUBSTANCE, IN THE JELLY COAT OF ASTERIAS AMURENSIS.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- DB2 ACROSOME REACTION-INDUCING SUBSTANCE (ARIS) IN THE JELLY COAT OF ASTERIAS AMURENSIS.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- The Thermal Analysis in a MA-8 Type Apparatus : The Melting of Gold at 12 GPa
- 150 Cytochemistry of Ca^-ATPase in the spinal cord vasculature of prenatal rats.
- Cytochemistry of Ca^-ATPase in the spinal cord vasculature of prenatal rats.
- 21 Histopathological statistical differentiation between well differentiated type of endometrial adenocarcinoma (wC) and endometrial adenomatous hyperphasia (aH).
- 511 The measurement of bone mineral content by Dual enery X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA).
- 206 Studies on the cell kinetics of human mndometrium.
- 391 Major regional lymph nodes of ovary and corpus uteri, and the survey of lymph node metastasis of both ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.
- 423. Comparative Study of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in Implanted and Non-implanted Endometrium of Pregnant Mouse