73 Observation of localization of fibronection in the surface on human spermatozoa and its function.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1991-08-01
Sato A.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Sasaki H.
Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.
Sato A.
Dept. of Intern. Med., Nagoya National Hosp.
Sugano T.
Dept. Obstet. Gynecol., Fukushima Medical College
Hoshi K.
Dept. Obstet. Gynecol., Fukushima Medical College
Fujimori S.
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology., Fukushima Medical College
Yazawa H.
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology., Fukushima Medical College
Yanagida K.
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology., Fukushima Medical College
Yoshimatu N.
Dept. Obst. and gynec., Fukushima Med. College
Sato A.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Sasaki H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Hoshi K.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Yoshimatsu N.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Med. College
Hoshi K.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Yanagida K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Medical College
Yamada H.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Fujimori S.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Med. College
Yanagida K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Fukushima Med. College
Hoshi K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tohoku Univ. Sch. Med.
Hoshi K.
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Fukushjma Medical College And Department Of Microbiology Toh
Sugano T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Medical College
Hoshi K.
Dept. Of Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Medical College
Yazawa H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fukushima Medical College
Hoshi K.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Tohoku Univ. Sch. Med.
- Study on prenatal diagnosis of renourinary abnormalities : Abstracts after the Deadlines
- High-Spin Isomers in Erbuim Isotopes(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Metamagnetic Transition and Susceptibility Maximum of Pseudo-Binary Compound (Y, Lu)(Co,Al)_2
- 98. Vitamin K Dependent Coagulation Factor and the Effects of PIVKA-II and Vitamin K in Breast Milk
- 3a-KB-7 De-excitation Processes for (α,xnypγ) Reactions
- Cytogenetic and clinical studies on cystic hygroma : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Tokyo, Japan, July 8-10, 1992
- Cytogenetic study on fetuses with morphological abnormality and those in abnormal pregnancies : Abstracts after the Deadlines
- Risk factor of fetal chromosome abnormalities in prenatal genetic amniocentesis in our department : Abstracts after the Deadlines
- A case of triplet pregnancy, one of which had ectopia cordis : Abstracts after the Deadlines
- Limb-body wall complex : A report of nine cases : Abstracts after the Deadlines
- Outcome for non-immune hydrops fetalis and a fetus with hydrothorax and/or ascites : With some trials of intrauterine treatment : Papers Presented from Platform
- Novel mutations of congenital antithrombin III deficiency in a pregnant woman : Papers Presented from Platform
- Hereditary onychodysplasia of index fingers : A new genetic syndrome? : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- B-01 Molecular and Cytogenetics on Sex Determination, Differentiation, and Sexual Differentiation Anomaly.
- 316. Changes of FHR Pattern, Plasma Catecholamines and Blood Gas during Sequential Cord Occlusion in Canulated Lamb Fetuses
- 153. Characterization of Amniotic Fluid Fibronectin in Comparison with Fetal and Adult plasma Fibronectin
- 78.Breathing Movement Patterns of Fetal Lambs : XIII Fetus, Neonate and ME(I)
- 219.Relationship of Acceleration, Deceleration and Blood Pressure in Lamb Fetus : XXXVII Fetus and Neonate(VI)
- 39.Effects of Estrogen and Progesterone upon Intracellular Calcium Movement in Rat Uterine Smooth Muscle : VII Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(II)
- Magnetic and electrical-resistive properties of high-density Fe cluster-assemblies
- A case of X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency, which was diagnosed prenatally : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- A case of Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome due to reciprocal chromosome translocation t(7;12)(ql3;q21.3) : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Tokyo, Japan, July 8-10, 1992
- Two cases of osteogenesis imperfecta congenita differing in mode of inheritance : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Tokyo, Japan, July 8-10, 1992
- 125 Zona induced acrosome reaction of human spermatozoa and the influence of cervical mucus and cumulus oopholus on the acrosome reaction.
- 123 Development of Mouse Early Embryos in CZB Medium.
- 71 OXT, PGE_2 and PGF_ stimulate the generation of inositol phosphates in the myometrium.
- 498 Contractile response of the rabbit myometrium of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) : an analytical study on the contractile mechanism.
- 465 Assessment of amniotic fluid volume by amniotic fluid index (four quadrant method) and relationship of oligohydramnios to perinatal morbidity.
- 324 Decreasing the bone mineral content of the calcaneus in Japanese women by the effect of aging.
- 73 Observation of localization of fibronection in the surface on human spermatozoa and its function.
- 72 The methods of preservation in mammalian's sperm nuclei.
- 71 Cleavage of rabbit eggs after microsurgical injection of testicular spermatozoa.
- 133 Effect of torehalose on cryopreservation of mouse 2 cell embryos.
- 39 Biosynthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) in the rabbit uterine cervical tissue with the process of gestation.
- 169 Changes in fetal breathing movements during persisting hypoxemia in chronically instrumented pregnant sheep.
- 115 Mechanical responses to prostaglandins (PGs) and effect of PGs on c-AMP content in the rabbit uterine cervical smooth muscle.
- 114 The contractile responses of the rabbit myometrium to the field stimulation : Possible concernment with adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP).
- 31 Zona induced acrosome reaction of human spermatozoa.
- 25 Heat resistance of mammalian sperm nuclei.
- 3 The examinations of Hamster test and IVF-ET using the micro culture system.
- Impairment of Gingival Fibroblast Adherence by IL-6/sIL-6R
- 206 Glycolipid patterns of Balb/c mouse uterus depend on age and estrous cycle.
- 115 Analysis of glycosphingolipids in ovarian tumors.
- 427 Sister chromatid exchanges in mouse after exposure to pulse-wave ultrasound in utero.
- 276. Maternal Serum α-fetoprotein Screening
- 275. The Mechanism of G-banding of Chromosomes by Using Scanning Electron Microscope
- The Effects of Aging on the Rat Bladder and Its Innervation
- 296. The Functional and Morphological Feature of Granulosa Cells Isolated from Human Preovulatory Follicles
- 4. Study on Effective Population-screening Program for Cervicalcancer.
- 1. 15-years Screening for Cervical Cancer in Miyagi Prefecture
- 298. Automatic Cytodiagnosis by Flow Cytometry : Cell Collection by Percoll Gradient
- 7. A Study on Diagnosis of Stage Ia of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 5. Study on Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 56. Management of Labor under Continuous Lumbar Epidural Analgesia : Effects on Maternal and Fetal Adrenal Function
- 2. Study on an Automated Prescreening for Gynecologic Cancer with Flow-through Cytofluorometry
- 147 Contractile responses and prostaglandin biosynthesis induced by field stimulation and adenosine 5'-triphosphate in rabbit uterine muscle.
- 100 Observation of Localization of Fibronectin on Human Spermatozoa by means of Backscattered Electron Imaging Method.
- 475 Effects of trehalose as a dilution and cryoprotectant on the survival of 2 cell stage mouse eggs after freezing and thawing.
- 463 Zonae pellucidae of salt-stored eggs : Their functions in sperm-zona interactions.
- 241 Relationship between capacitation time of human spermatozoa and sperm cholesterol/phospholipid ratio.
- 165 Acute effect of nicotine and smoking on feto-maternal circulation in pregnant guinea pig.
- 121. Motile Morphology and Fertility of Human Spermatozoa
- 168. C0_2 Laser Conization
- 400. Effects of Lysophospholipid and Fatty Acid on the Acrosome Reaction of Human Spermatozoa
- Effects of Coronary Vasodilators on Pulmonary and Coronary Circulation(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting The Japanese Circulation Society [Part II])
- Induction of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis by Transvaginel Pituitary Transplantation in Mice with and without Natural Killer Cell Activity.
- 286 Effect of radical surgery and high-dose cyclic CAP therapy on the prognosis of ovarian cancer.
- Hard Tissue Formation in Subcutaneously Transplanted Rat Dental Pulp
- High Glucose Suppresses Cathepsin Activity in Periodontal-ligament-derived Fibroblastic Cells
- 279 Chromosomal aberraions observed by SEM.
- A-09 Four Cases of Ectopia Cordis.
- Two cases of twin pregnancy with anencephaly : Papers Presented from Platform
- 155. Determination of Serum ASP Levels in Patients with Gynecological Malignant Tumors
- 87 Diagnostic criteria in MRI findings for myometrial invasion of endometrial cancer based on histopathological featurs
- 422. Adverse Effects of RF-hyperthermia in Ovarian Cancer
- Glutamate in Opioid Dependence
- DISTRIBUTION OF PROTEOGLYCAN-LIKE IMMUNORE-ACTIVITY IN THE ANTERIOR PITUITARY OF MALE AND FEMALE RATS.(Endocrinology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- 311. Studies on Intrauterine Growth Retardation : Effects on Pregnant SHRSP
- 365.Changes of Serum Oxytocin and Uterine Calmodulin Contents during Pregnancy : XXXXXXII Initiation of Labor(II)
- 223 New experimental model for endometriosis.
- 292 Human ovarian cancer cell lines resistant to doxorubicin or cisplatin are sensitive to 7-prostaglandin A1 and 12-Prostglandin J2.
- 146 Clinical usefulness of three new ovarian tumor markers, CA54/61, CA602 and caGT.
- 378 An ultrastructural immunocytochemical study of endometrial adenocarcinomas using a monoclonal antibody MSN-1.
- 154.A Mechanism of Radioresistance in Uterine Adenocarcinoma Cells : XXVI Malignant Tumor(VI)
- 16. A Study on Assessment of Prognosis of Radiothrapy for Cacer of Uterine Cervix
- 101. Intercellular Connection of Uterine Adenocarcinoma as a Radioresistance Factor
- 18.Study on Radiation Effect for Cultured Cervical Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Special Reference to Quantitative Comparative Study According to Colony Formation Assay : III Malignant Tumor(III)
- C-23 Nuchal Translucency in Twin Pregnancies.
- 313. Antineoplastic Activity and Side Effects of Prostaglandin Derivatives : With Chief Regards on in vivo Study
- 112 Antitumor effects of 12-OH-Δ^7-prostaglandin(PG)-A_1 analogue on human ovarian cancer transplanted in nude mice.
- 12. Prognostic Significance of DNA Content in Ovarian Epithelial Tumors
- 133.Study on the Assesment of Chemotherapeutic Effect by Cytologic Examinations : XXIII Malignant Tumor(III)
- 226. Study on Disturbance of Micturition after Radical Hysterectomy : 1. Analysis of Urethral Pressure Profile
- 52. Study on Mictionary Dysturbance after Radical Hysterectomy
- 342. Localization of α-fetoprotein in Villous Tissues of Lesions in Early Pregnancy
- 234. Childbirth Control by Means of Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia : Placental Permeability of Various Types of Local Anesthetics
- 75. Correlation between Prolactin and Gonadotropin Secretion from the Anterior Pituitary
- 110. Studies on the Cell of Origin of Cervical Glandular Atypia