10 Alterations of cytoskeleton in human papillomavirus type 16 E7 mediated transformation.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1991-08-01
Miyamoto S.
Dept. Obst. Gynec. Institute of Bioregulation
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Wake N.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sch. Med. Hokkaido Univ.
Nishida M.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sch. Med. Kitasato Univ.
Nishida M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Med. Inst. Bioregulation Kyushu Univ.
Wake N.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Asahigawa Med. College
Wake N.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Med. Inst. Bioregulation, Kyushu Univ.
- 82 Relationship between the onset of dysmenorrhea and histological findings in adenomyosis.
- 81 A Computer Aided Analysis of the Three-dimensional Tissue Structure on The Invading Manner of Adenomyosis.
- 52 A New Criteria to Choose a Bromocriptine Therapy.
- 101 Is it true that poly cystic ovary syndrome is one of the indications of bromocriptine?.
- 130 Overcoming of natural resistance of ovarian clear cell carcinoma by calcium antagonist in vitro.
- 108. Bromocriptine Step-up Trial for Dysfunctional Ovary Due to Inadequate Secretion of PRL
- 411. Selection of Effective Antitumor Agents against Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma in Comparison with Other Adenocarcinomas in vitro
- 16 . Correlation between Cell Membrane Fluidity and the Effects of Anti-tumor Agents
- 99. Heterogeneity of Chemosensitivity on the Established Cell Line in vitro
- 294.A Comparative Study on Anti-tumor Effect of Various Steroid Hormones in vitro : XXXXIX Malignant Tumor(IX)
- 286.A Functional and Therapeutic Effects of Peritoneal Mactophages in Patients of Gynecologic Malignant Neoplasmas : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- 124 The effect of endogenous human atrial natriuretic peptide on the vascular system in pregnancy induced hypertension and pregnancy aggravated hypertension.
- 81. Physiologic Role of Endogenous Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Preeclamptic Pregnancies
- 289. Modification of Dopaminergic Function in Hypothalamic-pituitary System by Estrogen
- 380. Significance of Sex Steroids, Prostaglandins and Oxytocin in Blood and Myometrium at Pre-, and Post Implatation
- 73.Relationship of Catecholestrogens and Catecholamines in Pregnancies with Toxemia Gravidarum : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 169 The effect of maternal oxygen administration on fetal blood gas status.
- 166. Comparison between the Effects of PGF_ and PGE_2 on Fetal Arterial Pressure (FAP) and Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) of the Goat Fetuses
- 54. Influence of Oxytocin and Prostaglandins on Contractility of the Pregnant Rat Cervical Muscle
- 221. The Effect of Prostaglandin E_2 (PGE_2)on Heart Rate and Arterial Pressure of the Goat Fetus
- 93. Timing of Termination Viewed from Nonstress Test (NST) in High Risk Pregnancies
- 405. The Effects of Regional Analgesics on FHR Pattern & Neonatal Neurobehavior in Cases of Term AGA
- 360.Relationship between Uterine Contractions and Maternal Plasma Hormone Values : XXXXXXI Initiation of Labor(I)
- 153. In vitro Study of Effect of Oxytocin, Prostaglandin F_ and Their Combined Use on Human Myometrium
- 136. Endometrial Progesterone Receptor in Patients with Luteal Phase Defect
- 389. Ultrasonic and Endocrinologic Assessment of the follicular Development in Patients with Delayed Ovulation
- 282. Changes in 3β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in Human Corpus Luteum during Menstrual Cycle and Early Pregnancy
- 275. Effects of the Pituitary on Ovarian 3β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and 20α-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activities in Pregnant Rats
- 199.Relatronship between Serum LH Levels and in vitro Release of LH-RH in Pregnant Rats : XXXIV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IV)
- 49.Effects of the Conceptus Number on Ovarian Steroid Dehydrogenase Activities in Pregnant Rats : IX Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(IV)
- 246. Radioimmunoassay for Tumor-antigen of Human Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Usefulness in Clinical Care
- 275 Effects of serotonin and histamine on follicular steroidogenesis in the proestrous hamster.
- 64. Characteristics of Microcirculation in Preeclampsia
- 293 The effects of opioides peptides on the progesterone production by human placenta.
- 426. The Roles of β_2-stimulant and 8-bromo-cAMP on Low Density Lipoprotein Metabolism of Human Placenta
- 58. Effect of Microsomal Carboxypeptidase N form Human Placenta on Depressor Response to Infused Bradykinin (BK) in Rats
- 208 Ultrasonic assessment of fetal urine production in normal and complicated pregnancies.
- 113 Ultrasonographic Evaluation of The Development of Fetal Gastric Function.
- 459 Ultrasound evaluation of intrauterine cardio-vascular function in the fetuses with congenital heart disease (CHD).
- 49 Analysis of human alpha-amylase in the ammniotic fluid using the pH titration curve method.
- 181 Antenatal analysis of the cardiac function of fetus with arrhythmias.
- 273 SCC antigen (SCC) expression in non-malignant lesions of squamous epithelium.
- 21 Tumorigenic capability and TNF susceptibility of Squamous cell carcinoma.
- 86 Effects of TNF on the production of SCC antigen.
- 168 Two dimension Doppler ultrasonographical evaluation of the renal artery in the fetuses with growth retardation and oligoamnios.
- 266. Changes of Serum Steroid Levels in Premature Iufants in Early Neonatal Period
- 78. Effect of Maternal Pituitary-adrenal Axis on the Serum Alphafetoprotein Levels in Pregnant Rats
- 27. Effect of the Pituitary-adrenal Axis on the Serum Progesterone Levels in Pregnant Rats
- 18 Suppression of endometrial cancer cell phenotypes by the introduction of wild type p53.
- 17 Suppression of tumorigenic phenotypes of cervical cancer cell by introduction of wild type p53 gene.
- (8)Comparative Study: Mediolateral Episiotomy and Median Episiotomy in Kitasato University Hospital(一般演題,第18回北里医学会総会抄録)
- 145. Perinatal Management of Twin Pregnancy : The Effect of Educational Admission at 30 Weeks of Gestation
- 126. Relationship between the Patterns of FHR and the pH Value of Umbilical Artery in the Late Period of Labor
- 333. Mechanisms for the Development of MTX Resistance in Choriocarcinoma Cells
- 65. Specific Chromosome Changes in Endometrial Carcinomas
- 327. Studies on the Increment of Radiation Suppressive Effect in Cervical Carcinoma Chemotherapy
- 368 The role of cyclic GMP in diurnal variation of urinary sodium excretion in pre-eclampsia.
- 68 Electronic medical record system using personal computers in OBGY outpatient clinic and inpatient ward.
- 408 MTX Resistant Mechanism in Human Choriocarcinoma Cells.
- 13. Suppression of Tumorigenicity in Uterine Endometrial Carcinoma via Cell Fusion
- 236 Effects of corticosterone on luteal function in mid-pregnant rats.
- 205 Effects of testosterone on the angiogenesis in the corpus luteum.
- 50. Electron Microscopic Studies of the Corpus Luteum in Pregnant Rats : Effects of Conceptus and Pituitary
- 240. The Evaluation of Fetoplacental Function by ACTH-Z Loading Test and Measurement of Serum Steroid Hormones
- 195. Clinical Studies on the Relationship between Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and Hepatic Immaturity α-Fetoprotein (AFP), Indocyanine Green (ICG) Clearance Rate, and Urinary Excretion of D-glucaric Acid, as Indices of Hepatic Maturity
- 149. Evaluation of Dexamethasone (DXM)-suppression HCG-stimulation Test as the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Screening Test : Changes of Serum Testosterone, Δ^4-androstenedione, DHA, Estradiol-17β
- 148. A Gonadotropin-responsive Virilizing Adrenal Tumor and its Endocrinologic Studies
- 73. Assessments of the Clomid-HCG Therapy in Functional Sterility
- Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Anisotropic Nanocomposite films
- 373 Loss of heterozygosity in endometrial carcinoma.
- 201. Ultrasonographic Screening of Fetal Heart Disease
- 32 Introduction of a normal human chromosome 1 suppresses various transformed phenotypes of an uterine endometrial carcinoma cell line.
- 64 Expression of the retinoblastoma (RB) antioncogene in the cervical cancer cells.
- 61 Transformation of primary cultured rat embryonal fibroblast by HPV16E7 region.
- 60 Chromosomal change associated with in vitro cell transformation and in vivo tumor formation by HPV16E7 and several transforming genes.
- 387.Cellular Lineage of Choriocarcinoma with Complete Moles : XXXXXXVI Trophoblastic Tumor(I)
- 386.Mechanisms of Origin of Destructive Moles : XXXXXXVI Trophoblastic Tumor(I)
- 384.The Propensity to Malignant Changes in Heterozygous Moles : XXXXXXVI Trophoblastic Tumor(I)
- 28. Androgenesis as a Cause of Hydatidiform Mole
- 394. HLA. Specificaties in the Molar Conceptions
- 49 Treatment of stage III endometrial cancer : A case report of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by radical hysterectomy.
- 88.An Application of Microcomputer in the Obstetrics and Gynecology (A Use for the Intelligent Terminal System) : XIV Fetus, Neonate and ME(II)
- 87. Flow Cytofluorometric Analysis for Screening Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Specific Antibody to a Tumor Antigen TA-4
- 94.Evaluation of Tumor-antigen TA-4 Assay for Detection of Recurrence of the Cervical Cancer : XVI Immunology(I)
- 97. Effects of Serotonin (5-hydroxy-tryptamine) on Fetal Heart Rates (FHR) in Rabbits
- 320 Flow cytometric analysis of DNA aneuploidy in female genital carcinoma.
- 317 Effects of cytokine on expression of tumor antigen TA-4 in squamous cell carcinoma.
- 407. Flow Cytometric Analysis of DNA Aneuploidy in Ovarian Carcinoma
- 29. The Effect of 5-azacytidine on Expression of Tumor Antigen (TA-4) of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 300 Different behaviors of production and release of SCC antigen in squamous cell carcinoma.
- 362. Immunohistochemical Localization of TA-4 Subfractions Using Monoclonal Antibodies
- 396. Transformation of Adenoviius-induced Rat Incompletely Ttansformed Cells by DNAS of horiocaicinoma Cell Lines
- 370 Alterations of cytoskeleton in human endometrial carcinome cells transferred by a chromosome #1.
- 10 Alterations of cytoskeleton in human papillomavirus type 16 E7 mediated transformation.
- Elevated Plasma Fibronectin Concentrations in Patients with OPLL and OLF
- 5 Chromosome changes associated with tumorigenic phenotypes obtained by 3Y1 cells.
- 55 Preeclampsia induced alterations of sodium transport systems in erythrocte membrane.