318 The relationship between DNA ploidy and post-irradiation uterie cervical cancer prognosis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1989-08-01
Ikeda M.
Dept. Obst. and Gynecol., Yokohama City Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Shinshu Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Kinki Univ. Sch. Med,. Osaka
Noda K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kniki Univ. Sch. Med.
Sumiyoshi M.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kniki Univ. Sch. Med.
Takeyama J.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Noda K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Takeyama J.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Shiota M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Ikeda M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kniki Univ. Sch. Med.
Ikeda M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kinki Univ. Sch. Med.
Fukuda T.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Shinshu Univ. Med. Sch.
Sumiyoshi M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kniki Univ. Sch. Med.
Fukuda T.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kniki Univ. Sch. Med.
- 151 Gene expression of nerve growth factor in the human placenta using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
- 92 Detection of GnRH mRNA in the pregnant rat uterus.
- 283 Gene expression of GnRH in the rat gonads.
- 40. Effects of Estradiol(E_2), Dopamine(DA)-agonist and -antagonist on Hypothalamo-anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic System in Rat
- 438. Gene Expression of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone in the Rat Hypothalamus
- 59. Extraction and Purification of Human Placental Nerve ,Growth Factor Using the Technique of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- 53 The change of gonadotropin-releacing hormone (GmRH) gene expression after gonadotropin stimulation in the rat ovary.
- 186 Studies of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) mRNA in human placenta using oligo DNA probe.
- 325. Second Malignancy Following Radiation Therapy for Cancer of Uterine Cervix
- 122.Epidemilogical Study of Cervical Adenocarcinoma : XXI Malignant Tumor(I)
- 260. Effect of Vitamin K Administration to the Mother on Prevention of Vit.K Deficiency of Neonate
- 29a-MB-2 Angular Distributions of the Reaction Products (including near 0°) in the Reaction of ^N+^Nb at E_L = 160 and 210 MeV
- 29a-MB-1 Particle-Particle Correlations in the Reaction of ^N+^Nb at E_=210 MeV
- 358. Studies on Individualization of Treatment for Cervical Carcinoma : Evaluation of lrradiation for Paraaortic Nodes
- 257. A Study on Operative Method for Malignant Ovarian Tumors
- 428. Studies on Human Endometrial Regeneration Following Curettage
- 298. Automatic Cytodiagnosis by Flow Cytometry : Cell Collection by Percoll Gradient
- 46. The Relation between Glandular Characteristics in the Cervical Cancer Tissue and its Prognosis
- 45. Studies on the Cervical Glandular Atypia : With Reference to the Precursor Lesion Cervical Adenocarcinoma
- 38. Studies on the Natural History of Cervial Cancer of Aged Women : As to Location of the Lesion
- 5.Studies on the Early Invasion of Cervical Adenocarcinoma : With Reference to Criteria for Stage Ia Adenocarcinoma in the Uterine Cervix : I Malignant Tumor(I)
- 4.Colposcopic Findings of Cervical Adenocarcinoma : I Malignant Tumor(I)
- 265.Diagnostic Significance of Lymphnode Cintigram for Lymphnode Metastasis in Cervical Cancer Patients : XXXXV Diagnosis and Examination(III)
- 121.Studies on the Natural History of Cervical Cancer of Aged Women : Histological Analysis : XXI Malignant Tumor(I)
- 7. A Study on Diagnosis of Stage Ia of Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 5. Study on Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 56. Management of Labor under Continuous Lumbar Epidural Analgesia : Effects on Maternal and Fetal Adrenal Function
- 2. Study on an Automated Prescreening for Gynecologic Cancer with Flow-through Cytofluorometry
- 180 The utility of Pulse Doppler method to determine the termination of high risk pregnancy with latent fetal distress.
- 91 Diagnoses of ovarian tumors with MRI.
- 16 Morphological response of the regional lymph nodes in patients with cervical cancer and its immunological significance.
- 6 Immunohistological studies on the basement membrane and lymph node matastasis in endometrial carcinoma.
- 282 Flow cytometric study on DNA ploidy uterine endometrial cancer.
- 143 Studies on fetomaternal management in pregnant women with SLE complications.
- 48 Examination of conservative treatment in patient with juvenile uterine cervical cancer.
- 5 Human papilloma virus 16 and 18 infection in cytological normal cervices by PCR (Polymerase Chain Rection) method.
- 144 MRI of Endometrial Carcinoma.
- 16 Immunohistologic studies on basement membrane type 4 collagen in endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma.
- 8 Histpathological studies on uterine cervical intraepitherial neoplasia associated with HPV infection.
- 432 The significance of measuring fractionated TPHA in cases of syphilis during pregnancy.
- 297 Study on DNA ploidy of primary epithelial ovarian cancer.
- 91 The study on the significance of peritoneal washing cytology for cervical carcinoma.
- 85 Morphological and immunological study of regional lymph node in uterine cervical cancer.
- 82 Study of the host protect system in the cervical cancer.
- 119 Diagnosis of ovarian tumors with MRI.
- 15 Histopathological study on glandular dysplasia of the uterocervix.
- 453 Labor control under epidural anesthesia : β endorphin levels in perinatal mothers and fetuses.
- 324 Significance of para-aortic node irradiation in the treatment of cervical cancer.
- 318 The relationship between DNA ploidy and post-irradiation uterie cervical cancer prognosis.
- 74. Quantitative Morphology of the Pancreatic B, A, and D Cells during the Perinatal Development in Rats
- 208. Functions of Polyamine in Fetal Growth : Regulation of Ornithine Decarboxylase by Various Hormones and Amino Acids in Primary Cultured Adult and Fetal Hepatocytes
- 195 Clinicopathological Studies of Unusual Leiomyoma
- 340. Studies on Significance and Adaptation of Consurvative Therapy by CO_2 Laser Surgery of Neoplasia of Uterine Cervix
- 328. The Prediction of Radiation Sensitivity in the Patient of the Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 475 Transcervical resection (TCR) of submucous myoma with hysteroscopic resectoscope
- 3. Histological Classification of the So-called Mixed Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervical Cancer Based on Histogenesis
- 283. The Development of a New Operating Hysteroscopic Fiberscope and its Clinical Application
- 64. Studies on Pregnancy Hypertension and IUGR : A Histological Study of Placenta in Pregnant SHRSP (Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats)
- 311. Studies on Intrauterine Growth Retardation : Effects on Pregnant SHRSP
- 156. Calmodulin in Human Featal Membrane
- 365.Changes of Serum Oxytocin and Uterine Calmodulin Contents during Pregnancy : XXXXXXII Initiation of Labor(II)
- 143 Role of PVN oxytocin neurons on the onset of labor in rat.
- 160 Chronological changes in gap junction formation of the rat uterine circular muscles during in vitro experiments.
- 112 Modification by magnesium on the excitatory effect of oxytocin in electrical and mechanical activities of pregnant human myometrium.
- 35.The Pattern of Spontaneous Contraction and the Effects of Catecholamines on Pregnant Human Isthmic Myometrium : VII Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(II)
- 259. Relationship between DNA Ploidy and Irradiation Effect in Uterine Cervical Cancer, Using DNA Flow Cytometry
- 257. Heterogeneity and Anticancer Drug Sensitivity for Ovarian Cancer: Study on Human Tumor Clonogenic Assay and DNA Analysis Using Flow Cytometry
- 104 The KTP/532 Laser for Laparoscopic gynecologic surgery.
- 13 The combination effect of UFT and CDDP
- 324. Study on FIGO Stainig of Ia Stage Cervical Carcinoma
- 50. Preliminary Study on Antitumor Effects of Combination of FU and CDDP
- 415.Significance of Measurement of IgM-TPHA in Pregnant Syphilis : As an Indicator for Necessity of Treatments on Mothers and Newborns : XXXXXXXI Infectious Disease(I)
- 122. A Case of Intra-uterine Parvovirus Infection Associated with Hydrops Fetalis
- 64.Study of Placental Calcification (Histological and Analytical Electron Microscopic Observation) : XI Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(II)
- 100 Problems of Cisplatin Therapy for Ovarian Cancer from the viewpoint of Long-Term Prognosis.
- 357. A Study of Irradiation-caused Changes in Cell Kinitics and Morphology
- 340. (Abstract is not available)
- 105. Dynamic Analysis of Gynecological Malignant Tumor Cells
- 133.Study on the Assesment of Chemotherapeutic Effect by Cytologic Examinations : XXIII Malignant Tumor(III)
- 226. Study on Disturbance of Micturition after Radical Hysterectomy : 1. Analysis of Urethral Pressure Profile
- 52. Study on Mictionary Dysturbance after Radical Hysterectomy
- 423 Histochemistry of the endometrium : With special reference to keratan sulfate-like and Griffonia Simplicifolia aggulutinin-I-B4 (GSA-I) reactive sugars.
- 115. Studies on Pregnancy Hypertension and IUGR-SFD : Effects of Drugs on the Blood Vessels in the Placenta of Pregnant SHRSP (Strokeprone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats)
- 140. (Abstract is not available)
- 234. Childbirth Control by Means of Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia : Placental Permeability of Various Types of Local Anesthetics
- 75. Correlation between Prolactin and Gonadotropin Secretion from the Anterior Pituitary
- 522 In-Process Measurement of Electrode Motion in EDM by Means of Automatic Discharge Gap Controller
- 347. A Study on the Intensification of Antitumor Activity in Cervical Carcinoma Patients by Preoperative Administration of a Biological Response Modifier (BRM)
- 241. Studies on Hypercoagulability and Fibrinolysis in the Toxemias of Pregnancy : Changes of Coagulation Factors after Heparin Administration
- 196. Studies on Hyperlipemia in Pregnancy : Dynamics of Postheparin Lipase Activity
- 206 Studies on the cell kinetics of human mndometrium.
- 64. Bacteriologic Study of the Urinary Infection in Patients Following Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer
- 113. Activity of and Response to Interleukin 2 (IL-2) of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Leukocytes (PBL) in Cervical Cancer
- 284.Localization of Lymphocyte Subpopulation in Human Uterine Cervical Cancer Used by Indirect Immunofluorescent Technique with Monoclonal Antibodies : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- 106.Suppressor Activity of Cord Blood T Cell Subsets through Dialysis Membrane : XVIII Immunology(III)
- 224. Studies on Specific Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity against Human Autologous Tumor (Cervical Cancer)
- 323. The Cytologic Examination of Peritoneal Washings in Carcinoma of the Uterus
- SPECIES-SPECIFICITY OF ACROSOME REACTION IN STARFISH(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 57. The Pattern of Sponteneous Contraction, and the Effects of Mg^ and Terbutaline on Pregnant Human Myometrium and Terbutaline-MgS0_4 Combined Therapy