94. The Effect of Chemotherapy by Means of Balloon Occluded Arterial Infusion (BOAI) for Advanced Endomerial Cancer
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1988-08-01
Takahashi H.
Dept. of Perinatology, National Cardiovascular Center
Ohishi T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Hirosaki Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Hirosaki Univ. Sch. Med.
Satoh S.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Sapporo Medical College
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Hirosaki Univ. Sch. Med.
Tomura K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Hirosaki Univ. Sch. Med.
Takahashi H.
Dept. Of Orthopedic Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
- 164 Relationship between RI values in the umbilical artery and the outcome in cases with hydrops fetalis.
- 199. The Relation between Intrauterine Human Parvovirus Infection and Nonimmunologic Hydrops Fetalis
- 554 Successful surgical management of fetal obstructive uropathy.
- 466 The application for assessment of placental perfusion using digital subtraction angiography (DSA).
- 167 Evaluation of the Preload Condition of the Fetus Inferior Vena Caval Blood Flow Pattern.
- 161 Newly developed distance fetal monitoring system.
- 96. Establishment and Characterization of Two Choriocarcinoma Cell Lines from the Different Metastatic Lesions in a Patient
- 217. Transcription of Class II HLA in Human Trophoblast and Human Gestational Choriocarcinoma Cell Lines
- 395. Establishment and Characterization of a Cell Line (GCH-1-m) Highly Metastasizing to Lung in Nude Mice
- 131. Molecular Biological Study of HLA-DR Molecules in Human Choriocarcinoma Cell Lines and Malignant Cell Lines
- 510 Sex hormonal influence on X-chromatin frequency in vaginal smears.
- 85 The value of histochemical analysis of Sialyl SSEA-1 antigen in patients with gynecologic tumors.
- 366 Detection of K-ras mutation and immunohistochemical investigation in endometrial adenocarcinomas and cervical adenocarcinomas.
- 46 Oral contraceptives suppress the secretion of hCG like substance.
- 451 Studies on relation between fetal heart rate rise and duration of fetal movement with ultrasonic Doppler actocardiograph.
- 355.Urinary Kallikrein and Urinary Kallikrein Inhibitors Levels during Normal Pregnancy, Puerperium and Hypertensive Pregnancy : XXXXXX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(X)
- 247.Red Blood Cell Antibodies in Maternal and Cord Blood : XXXXII Hematology(II)
- 240.Relationship between Umbilical Abnormalities and Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Findings : XXXXI ME(IV)
- 61.The Effect of Intrauterine Exposure to Drugs : Especially Relation Due to Antithyroid Drugs and Antiepileptic Drugs : XI Fetus and Neonate(I)
- 187 A Quantitative Study of Serum Proteins in Umbilical Cord. With Special Reference to Comparison with Values in Maternal Blood and to the Intrauterine Fetal Infection
- 140. A Systematic Quantitative Study on Serum Proteins during Gestation. With Special Reference to our Method of Preparation of Specific Antisera
- 120. Supplementary Studies on the Mechanism of Hemolysis in Neonatal Hemolytic Disease
- 55. The Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Systems during Gynecological Surgery : Special Reference to the Platelet Function and the Local Fibrinolysis
- 48. Results of Combination Therapy with BOAI (Balloon Occluded Arterial Infusion) Method for Uterine Cervical Cancers
- 21. Stereomicroscopic Study on the Mosaic Formation of the Uterine Cervix
- 354. Radiation Therapy Combined with Chemotherapy by Means of Balloon Occluded Arterial Infusion (BOAI) to Advanced Cancer of the Uterus
- 71. An Evaluation of Retropublic Colposuspension for Treatment of Prolapse of Anterior Vagina, Bladder and Uterus with Stress Incontinence : With Special Reference to Urodynamic Diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence
- 238. Coagulation-fibrinolysis in Patients with Gynecological Malignancies. With Special Reference to Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
- 39. A Study on False-Negative Cases in Screening of Cervical Cancer
- 450 Evaluation of true non reactive pattern by actocardiogram.
- 433 Periodic Fetal Respiratory Movement accompanied with sinusoidal FHR pattern by Fetal Actocardiogram.
- 185 Measurement of time lag of fetal movement and transient fetal heart rate rise by ultrasonic Dopplar actcardiogram.
- 110. Influence of Oral Contraceptive Pill on Serum Protein, Especially in Continuous Users
- 204 Blood flow characteristics in the middle cerebral artery in normal and growth-retarded human fetuses.
- 42.Changes of Prolactin Binding Sites in Adrenals, Kidneys, Lungs and Livers of Female Rats during Sexual Maturation : VII Endocrinology(I)
- 531. Clarification of the Regulatory Mechanism of Hemodynamics in the Human Fetus
- 526. The Relation between Mouthing Movement and REM/NREM with Advance in Gestational Age in the Human Fetus
- 273. Changes of Anterior Pituitary Dopaminergic Receptors and Hypothalamic Dopamine in Rats with Estrogen-induced Pituitary Tumor
- 369. Sensitivity of Koilocytosis, Immunocytochemistry and Electron Microscopy in Detecting Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in the Cervical and Vaginal Condyloma and Intracpithelial Neoplasia as Compared to DNA Hybridization
- 240. The Evaluation of Fetoplacental Function by ACTH-Z Loading Test and Measurement of Serum Steroid Hormones
- 195. Clinical Studies on the Relationship between Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia and Hepatic Immaturity α-Fetoprotein (AFP), Indocyanine Green (ICG) Clearance Rate, and Urinary Excretion of D-glucaric Acid, as Indices of Hepatic Maturity
- 149. Evaluation of Dexamethasone (DXM)-suppression HCG-stimulation Test as the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Screening Test : Changes of Serum Testosterone, Δ^4-androstenedione, DHA, Estradiol-17β
- 148. A Gonadotropin-responsive Virilizing Adrenal Tumor and its Endocrinologic Studies
- 73. Assessments of the Clomid-HCG Therapy in Functional Sterility
- Effects of Low Dose Human PTH (1-34) on cancellous and cortical bone mineral density of tibia of beagle dogs, measured by pQCT
- 7 p53 gene expression in human uterine cervical cancer.
- 299 p53 gene and ras oncogene expressions in human ovarian cancers.
- 18 The expression of ras oncogene product p21 in the carcinogenesis of cervical squamous epithelium.
- 4. Immunohistochemical Study of ras Oncogene Product p21 among Precancerous Lesions and Squamous Lesions and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Uterine Cervix
- 415. The Ultrastructural Studies of Uterine Leiomyosarcoma
- 73 A Study on histological localization of glycoproteins in the glands of human uterine cervix.
- 258. Plegnancy and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. : With Special Reference to Paracoagulation
- 94. The Effect of Chemotherapy by Means of Balloon Occluded Arterial Infusion (BOAI) for Advanced Endomerial Cancer
- 127. The Observation of Systolic Time Intervals and Impedance Cardiogram of Neonates
- 73. Prevention of Rho (D) Isoimmunization : Management of Antepartum and Post-partum Administration of RhIG
- 69 Expression of m-RNA by in situ hybridization with photobiotinylated DNA probes of HPV16 and Hras oncogene.
- 510 The ultrastructural study of the transport of human prolactin across fetal term membrane.
- Effects of Cyclical Treatment with Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) and Incadronate Disodium (YM175) in Osteopenic Ovariectomized Rats
- Human Parathyroid Hormone(1-34) Increases Cortical Bone Mass by Activating Bone Modeling in the Formation Mode in Ovariectomized Rats
- Maintaining bone mineral density of femoral cortex in ovariectomized rats after withdrawal concurrent administration of human parathyroid hormone (1-34) and incadronate disodium (YM175)
- The effects of concurrent treatment with hPTH and YM175, and of its withdrawal on OVX rats
- Epidemiology of Hip Fractures in 1994 in Tangshan(P. R. China)
- 17. Correlation between Morphological Finding and Function of Placenta of Toxaemia. : Absorptional Function of Glucose
- 362. Pelvic Exenteration for Gynecological Malignancy : Especially on the Indications and Postoperative Complications
- SPERM SURFACE AUTOANTIGEN INVOLVED IN FERTILIZATION IN THE NILE TILAPIA(Oreochromis niloticus).(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- Bone Histomorphometric Analysis in 6 Cases of Hyperthyroidism
- 18. Intra-arterial Cisplatin Chemotherapy for Advanced Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 51. An Experience of 450 Cases of Radical Hysterectomy without the Use of Paracoccygeal Drainage
- 288 A case of successful treatment with DDAVP in pregnancy with high dose γ-globulin therapy resistant ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) and MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome).
- CIONA BRACHYURY GENE TARGETS(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Modification of Hydroxyapatite Crystallization Using CO_2 Laser
- 518 The assessment of gynogenetic origin of early abortion by DNA fingerprint method on chorionic villi.
- 43. An Immunocytochemical Study for De-monstrating Estrogen Receptor in Human Endometrium Using Anti-estrogen Receptor Monoclonal Antibody
- 309.Possible Relationships between Hypothalamic Catecholamine Neurotransmitters and the Brain Sensitivity to Steroid Feedback on Gonadotropin Release in the Immature Female Rat : XXXXXII Adolescence Climacterium and Postmenopause(I)
- 391. Blood Coagulability in Patients with Advanced Gynecological Malignancies under Remission Induction Chemotherapy
- 141. Significance of Screening for lrregular Antibodies in Obstetrics and Gynecology
- THYROID HORMONE-INDEPENDENT TRANSITION OF THE GLOBIN GENE EXPRESSION IN HYNOBIUS RETARDATUS(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 35 Establishment and characterization of mouse pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell line (KBLC) as a model for the study of surfactant biosynthesis.
- 40 Cytological studys for endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial adenocarcinoma in early stage.
- 291. Steroid Metabolism by Different Cellular Components of Rat Ovarian Follicle
- 44. Inhibition of Estrogen Receptor by Fatty Acids in the Cytosol of Rat Uterus
- 421 The Classification of Hydatidiform Mole by DNA Fingerprint Method : The Discrepancy in the Diagnoses by Macroscopical and Microscopical Findings and the DNA Fingerprint Method.