392. Effects of Gynecological Surgery on the Impedance Aggregation of Platelets in the Whole Blood
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1988-08-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hosp.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hosp.
Saito M.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Hirosaki Univ. Sch. Med.
Ozaki Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Tokyo Medical And Dental Univ. Fac. Med.
Shida N.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Sch. Med. Tokyo Med. And Dent. Univ.
- 107 Studies on the mechanisms of unfavourable immunoglobulin production in premature and term infants and the effcts of humoral factor in the recovery of immunoglobulin production in preterm and term infants.
- 246 Effects of intracellular Ca^ and C-kinase on prolactin release from human decidual cells in early pregnancy.
- 105. The Study on the Clinical Use of Hypothalamic Hormones for the Contraception
- 240. Discrimination of Pregnancies by Hormonal Patterns before the Implantation
- 1. The Actual Condition and the Cause of Post-term Pregnancy
- 484 Localization and Production of Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (hM-CSF) and Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factro (G-CSF) in Human Placental and Decidual Tissues.
- 72. BCDF・γ Generation Capacity and DR Antigen Expression of Monocytes in Neonate
- 72. A Study of Dopamine and Derivatives during Pregnancy and at Delivery
- 275. Study on the Neuroendocrinnological Control of Prolactin Release in Early Puerperium
- 335.Intrauterine Fetal Abnormality and Abortion : XXXXXVII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VII)
- 550 A case of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) with fetal hydrops.
- 378. Endocrinological and Morphological Study on the Inhibiting Effect for Early Pregnancy of LH-RH Analog
- 361.Effects of Dopaminergic Agents on the Hormonal Circumstances in Maternal, Umbilical and Amniotic Fluid of Gravidas at Term : XXXXXXI Initiation of Labor(I)
- 334.The Influence of LH-RH Analog on the Pregnant Myometrium : XXXXXVI Sterility and Family Planning(III)
- 251.Activation of Platelets in Gynecologic Patients after Laparotomy (Relationship between Parameters) : XXXXII Hematology(II)
- 175. Immunoreactive Somatostatin (GIF) in Human Fetal Tissue
- 355.Urinary Kallikrein and Urinary Kallikrein Inhibitors Levels during Normal Pregnancy, Puerperium and Hypertensive Pregnancy : XXXXXX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(X)
- 247.Red Blood Cell Antibodies in Maternal and Cord Blood : XXXXII Hematology(II)
- 240.Relationship between Umbilical Abnormalities and Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring Findings : XXXXI ME(IV)
- 61.The Effect of Intrauterine Exposure to Drugs : Especially Relation Due to Antithyroid Drugs and Antiepileptic Drugs : XI Fetus and Neonate(I)
- 187 A Quantitative Study of Serum Proteins in Umbilical Cord. With Special Reference to Comparison with Values in Maternal Blood and to the Intrauterine Fetal Infection
- 140. A Systematic Quantitative Study on Serum Proteins during Gestation. With Special Reference to our Method of Preparation of Specific Antisera
- 120. Supplementary Studies on the Mechanism of Hemolysis in Neonatal Hemolytic Disease
- 55. The Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Systems during Gynecological Surgery : Special Reference to the Platelet Function and the Local Fibrinolysis
- 429. Dissociation of hCG Receptor Complex: Detection of hCG Receptor in Trophoblastic Tissue
- 501. IL-2 and IL-2R System in Cord Blood Lymphocytes
- MATURATION-INDUCING ACTIVITY OF N'-SUBSTITUTED ADENINES IN STARFISH (ASTERINA PECTINIFERA) OOCYTE(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 12. Low Dose Intermittent Infusion of Naloxone to Variable Gonadal Conditions
- 7. Effect of Human Menopausal Gonado-tropin with Different Ratio of FSH to LH Content on Follicular Maturation and Ovulation in Women
- 140. An Analog of LH-RH and Steroid Hormone Levels in Women with the Normal Menstrual Cycle
- 110. Influence of Oral Contraceptive Pill on Serum Protein, Especially in Continuous Users
- 79. Clinical Evaluation for the Efficacy of LHRH Agonist in the Treatment of Endometriosis and Uterine Fibroid
- 168.A Treatment of Some Types of Luteal Insufficiency with Clomiphene-hMG-hCG in Women : XXVIII Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(IV)
- 440. Effect of the Infusion with Low Dose of Naloxone on LH-RH Release in the CNS of Human Female
- 339. Chemotherapy Sensitivity of Gynecological Malignant Tumors Determined by the Human Tumor Stem Cell Assay (HTSCA)
- 488. Establishiment of Hybridomas Secreting anti-placental Alkaline Phosphatase Monoclonal Antibodies (IgG) and the Evaluation of them for the Sensitivity and Specificity by Radio Immunoassay
- 145. Studies of Fibrinopeptide-A, Fibrino-peptide-B 15-42 HMW-kininogon and Kinin Danivy Normal Pregnancy, Labor, Pueperium and Com-plication of Prognancy
- 263. Plasma Levels of Kallikreinogen-kallikrein Enzyme System during Pregnancy and Neonatal Period
- 509 Effect of macrophage-colony stimulating factor(M-CSF) on trophoblast cells.
- 508 Monitoring of macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF) and granulo cytecolony stimulating factor (G-CSF) level of anmioic fluid.
- 461 Culture of human trophoblast cell and location of M-Colony stimulating factor.
- 344 In vitro trophoblast culture with CSF.
- 262. Experimental Study on the Effects of Plasma Expanders on Blood Coagulability : In vitro and in vivo Researches
- 30. Clinical Value of Urinary Kallikrein Determination in Obstetrics
- 270. A Study on Infection-Protecting Factors in Human Colostrum
- 194. Condyloma Accuminatum of the Vulva (Flat Type)
- 48. Significance of Prostanoid Synthesis in Feto-placental Compartment in Relation to Toxemic Pregnancy
- Cyclic Stretch Loaded on Chondrocytes Inhibits PKC activity
- 186. Effects of LH, FSH and Prolactin on Induction of DNA Polymerase α Synthesis by Rat Preovulatory Follicles
- 392. Effects of Gynecological Surgery on the Impedance Aggregation of Platelets in the Whole Blood
- 343. Paraaortic Lymphadenectomy in Gynecologic Malignancies