240. Studies on the Sinusoidal Pattern of Fetal Heart Rate with Tentative Criteria
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1982-11-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Sch. Med., Mie Univ.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Tokuyama-Chuo Hosp.
Tatsumura M
Dept. Obst. &gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Tatsumura M
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. &Gynec., Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Hidaka T
Dept. Obst. &gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med.
Maeda K
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med. Yonago
Hidaka T
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Tottori Univ. Sch. Med. Yonago
- 238. A Method for the Measurement of SPl (Pregnancy Specific βl-Glycoprotein) Using Latex Agglutination Inhibition Reaction
- 93. Basic and Clinical Studies on Pregnancy Proteins, SP_1(β_1SP_1-Glycoprotein) and SP_3 (α_2-AP-Glycoprotein)
- 216. Studies on Purification of Placental Lactogen (HPL) by Aflinity Chromatography and its Biological Activity
- 108. Basic and Clinical Studies on Pregnancy Proteins, SP_1 (β_1-SP_1-Glycoprotein) and SP_3 (α_2-AP-Glycoprotein)
- 288. The Double Contrast Method of Hysterography Using CO_2 Insufflation
- 24. EKG and blood pressure change before and after playing the golf
- 189. An Analysis of Similarities in Findings of Cervical and Corpus Adenocarcinoma under Endoscopic Examination to Facilitate Early Diagnosis and Histological Typing
- 311. Automatic Fetal Distress Diagnosis during Labor Utilizing External Technique in Fetal Monitoring
- 240. Studies on the Sinusoidal Pattern of Fetal Heart Rate with Tentative Criteria
- 226. Automatic Fetal Distress Diagnosis Utilizing Microcomputer with the External Monitoring Technique
- 87. A Study on Cardiogram by a New Technique in the Monitoring of Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Heart Valve Signals Utilizing Electrostatic Multistylus Recorder
- 31. EKG and heart X-ray of high school girl athletes
- 30. EKG and heart X-ray of the ex-athletes
- 205. A Study on the Relationship between FHR Changes and the Findings of Placenta in High-risk Pregnancy
- 86. A Study on the Relationship between Oxytocin Challenge Test Estimated by Contraction Index and Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring with Reference to the Serum E_3
- CA 125 Levels in Term Pregnancy
- 109. The Immunological Significance of Specific Pregnancy Beta 1 Qlycoprotein and its Correlation to the Placental Function
- 25. The Clinical Evaluation of the Serum CA125 Level in Patients with the Ovarian Cancer
- 41. Endocrinological Effect of DHA-S Administration on Pregnant Women and Fetus
- Studies on the Benefitial and Hazardous Factors of Ultrasonic Oocyte Collection in IVF-ET
- Ultrasonic Grey Level Histogram of Ovarian Cystic Patterns in Periovulatory Phase and Analysis of the Contents by Ultrasonically Guided Aspiration
- Evaluation of Media and Protein Supplements for Human in-vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer by Preimplanted Mouse Embryo Assay
- 303. The Study on Measurement of PO_2 and PCO_2 Values in the Uterine Muscles, Uterine Cavities and Uterine Tumors by Medical Mass Spectrometer
- 21. Malignant Gynecological Tumor Patients Immunologically Studied by T and B Lymphocytes Populations, ADCC, Ig-G and Ig-M Fc Receptor Positive T Lymphocytes
- 327. Evaluation of the Relation of Fetal Movement to FHR Acceleration in Twin Pregnancy
- 326. Evaluation of Fetal Development and Well-being with Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Actocardiogram
- The Studies on Pharmacokinetics and the Side Effect of Intraperitoneal CDDP Administration
- 153. Establishment of Transplanted Endometrial Carcinoma on Nude Mice and the Effect of Hormone Therapy with the Correlation to Hormone Receptor
- The Regularity of Fetal Breathing Movements and the Automated Fetal Heart Rate Analysis
- 321. The Relationships among the Umbilical Cord Arterial Blood pH, BE, HCO^-_3, the Automated Analysis of Fetal Heart Rate and Trendgram
- 320. The Relationships among Maternal Venous Blood Gas Findings of the First Stage of Labor, Fetal Cardiotocograms, and Umbilical Arterial Gas Findings
- 228. Studies on the Periodicity of Fetal and Neonatal Heart Rate Variability by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Analysis
- 268. Malignant Gynecological Tumor Patients Immunologically Studied by Ig-G Fc Receptor Positive T Lymphocytes, Natural Killer Activity and Immuno Suppressive Acidic Protein
- 331. Studies on Experimental Sinusoidal Heart Rate Pattern
- 234. Estimation and Auto-Analysis of Intrauterine Pressure by the External Method
- 367. Morphological and Pathological Studies on the Non-Immunologic Hydrops Fetalis
- 98. Blood Flow Measurement of Maternal Pelvid Artery and Umbilical Artery with the Ultrasonic Pulsed Doppler Flow Metry
- 224. Clinical Significance of Fetal Extremity Bone Length Measured with Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Fetal Age
- 305. The Monitoring df Fetal Breathing Movements Using Maternal Abdominal Skin Impedance Method
- 225. Fetal Mechanocardiogram Studied by Systolic Time Intervals in Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Heart Valve Signals Using New Multistylus Recorder System