85 Relationship between measurement of endometrium and outcome of treatment of sterility.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1990-08-01
Takagi K.
Dept. and Gynec., Nihon Univ. Sch. Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Prefectural Tajimi Hosp.
Oike K.
Dept. Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
Matsuo K.
Dept. of Pathol., Ryukyu Univ. Sch. of Med.
Sekiya T.
Dept. Obstet. And Gynecol. Sch. Of Med. Univ. Of The Ryukyus.
Kikuchi S.
Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Chiba Univ.
Santoh Y.
Dept. Of Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
Ishihara K.
Dept.of Reg.Biol. ,Saitama Univ.
Sekiya T.
Dept. Of Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
Takagi K.
Dept. Of Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
Matsushima T.
Dept. of Ob. & Gyn., Nippon Medical School
Ishihara K.
Dept. Of Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
Ishihara K.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Nippon Med. Sch. Danini Hosp.
Kikuchi S.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Nippon Med. Sch. Second Hosp.
Kikuchi S.
Dept. Of Ob. & Gyn. Nippon Medical School
- 59 Effects of the removal of menstrual endometrium in IVF.
- 42. Intra-arterial Infusion Chemotherapy with CDDP in the Management of Uterine Cervical Cancer
- 109 Umbilical venous blood gas analysis in normal pregnancies.
- 171 An evaluation of the dissociation of behavioral state and electro encephalogram in fetus sheep.
- 74 The Clinical Singnificance of Fetal Blood Sampling.
- 436 Electrical Uterine Activity in Pre-term Contractions.
- 139. The Clinical Significance Intrauterine Fetal Blood Sampling
- 539. Clinical Evaluation of the Analysis of Abdominal Surface Potentials (ASP) during Uterine Contractions
- 155. The Role of the Fetal Acoustic Stimulation Test (FAST) in the Clinical Assessment of Fetal Well Being
- 79. Effect of Fetal Behavioral States on FHR Accerelation (ACC) and Deceleration (DCC)
- 243. The Mechanism of Experimentaly Produced Sinusoidal Heart Rate by Arginine Vasopressin
- 162. Studies on the Control Mechanism of Ca^ -Mg^ ATPase in Uterine Smooth Muscle during Pregnancy and at Parturition
- 24. Clinical Studies Regarding to Maintain Reproducibility in Patients with Malignant Ovarian Tumors
- 301 The existence of ovarian tumors with the mesonephric glomeruli as histogenetic precursors.
- 298 Study of c-myc, c-hst, cfgr and c-ros-1 ooncoges amplification or rearrangement in human ovarian carcinomas.
- 431 On the High Risk Factor of Home Chemotherapy for Gynecologic Cancer.
- 305 Immunocytochemical demonstration of alpha-1-antitrypsin and alpha-fetoprotein in mesonephros.
- 25 Basic studies on application of two kinds of monoclonal antibodies against endometrial cancer to treatment of cancer.
- 127 On the Difference in the Mode of New Formation of Villi between Villi in Early Stages of Pregnancy and Villi of Placenta in Gestational Toxicosis.
- 365. Role of the Microfilaments and the Intermediate Filaments of the Fetal Capillary Endothelial Cells in Human Chorionic Villi
- 94. Ultrastructural Studies on the Human Placenta in Toxemia of Pregnancy : Characteristic Features Obtained by Quick Quenching & Freeze Substitution Method
- 161 Subcellular distribution of acid α-glucosidase in fibroblast and CRM in Pompe disease fibroblast.
- 196. A Topographical Analysis of Abdominal Surface Potentials (Electro-hysterographs) of the Human Uterus in Labor
- 230. Electrohysterogram of Uterine Contractions in Spontaneous Labor of the Human Uterus and its Clinical Significans
- Effects of Respiration on Soft Palate Movement in Feeding
- IM5 EFFECTS OF THYMECTOMY AND SPLENECTOMY ON THE ALLOGRAFT REJECTION IN ORYZIAS LATIPES.(Immunology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- DB1 ACROSOME REACTION-INDUCING SUBSTANCE OF SEA URCHIN EGG JELLY.(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 471 New method for prediction of fertility by transvaginal ultrasonography
- 89 Ultrasonographic studies on the clinical significance of low-lying placenta : by transvaginal and transrectal route
- 85 Relationship between measurement of endometrium and outcome of treatment of sterility.
- 404 A study on the endometrial movement in connection with hormonal level and uterine contraction.
- 386 Reevaluation of the diagnosis of placenta previa in mid-trimester : transvaginal approach with high-frequency ultrasonography.
- 13.The Regulation of Prostaglandin F_ Release from the Pseudopregnant Rabbit Uterus in Luteolysis : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 202. Ultrasonographic Study of Calyceal Dilatation during Pregnancy
- 54. Parity, Gravidity and Glucose Intolerance (GI)
- 367. Change of Bacterial Flora during Pregnancy and PROM
- 338.Fundamental and Clinical Study on the Self-rectification of Breech Presentation : XXXXXVII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VII)
- 127 Perinatal outcome after IVF-ET at Suzuki Hospital.
- 81 Monozygotic twin formation in mouse embryos follwing fertilization in vitro.
- 70 Improving fertilization rate in vitro of male factor patients by Zona opening methods with microhooks.
- 417. A Possible Stimulatory Role of Progesterone in Oocyte Maturation
- An immunocytochemical study of a monoclonal antibody to insulin.
- ANALYSIS OF cDNA FRAGMENTS FOR PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASES OBTAINED BY RT-PCR METHOD.(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF EXOGASTRULAINDUCING PEPTIDE GENE(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- THE EGIP-BINDING PROTEIN IN EMBRYOS OF SEA URCHIN, ANTHOCIDARIS CRASSISPINA.(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- FORMATION OF THE ADULT RUDIMENT AND METAMORPHOSIS OF SEA URCHIN BY THYROID HORMONES.(Developmental Biology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- 60. A New Model for Studies on the Mechanism of Cervical Ripening: The Effects of Topical Hormones and pre-labor Contractility
- RELATION BETWEEN BLASTOPORE AND STOMODEUM FORMATION IN DEVELOPMENT OF POND SNAIL, SINOTAIA QUADRATUS : Develpomental Biology : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- 143 Studies on clinical significance of type III procollagen peptide in sera as tumor marker in patients with cervical cancer.
- 142. Mathematical Classification of Pelvic Inlet Using Multivariates Analysis
- 337.Placental Site as the Cause of Breech Presentation : XXXXXVII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VII)
- 222. Distribution of Blood Group Rh-D Factor in Human Trophoblast with Immunofluorescent Method and Clinical Research of Rh-D Sensitized Pregnancy
- 69 Denervation of the rat myometrium during pregnancy.
- THE PRIMARY STRUCTURE OF EXOGASTRULA-INDU-CING PEPTIDE B PURIFIED FROM EMBRYO OF THE SEA URCHIN, ANTHOCIDARIS CRASSISPINA : Biochemistry : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- Subcellular distribution of acid α-glucosidase in fibroblast and CRM in Pompe disease fibroblast