414 The Effect of endothelin on isolated blood vessels of pregnant SHR.
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1990-08-01
Sugiyama Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
Yanase H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
Matsumoto T.
Tsu National Hosp.
Itoh M.
Tsu National Hosp.
Sawaki Y.
Tsu National Hosp.
Sawaki Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
Matsumoto T.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Tsu National Hosp.
Yanase H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
Sugiyama Y.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Mie
Ida M.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Mie Univ. Sch. Med.
- Molecular Basis for Construction of Seeds with High Methionine Content -Genetic Means to Regulate Methionine Content in Seeds-
- 146 Effects of Magnesium sulfate (MgSO_4) on the isolated uterine artery and platelets from pregnant women.
- 459 Changes of mRNA levels for prolactin receptor in the brain, liver, and, kidney of virgin, pregnant and lactating rats.
- 247 Effects of Adenosie Human Decidual Prolactin (PRL) Production
- 132 Reassessment of the most appropriate gestational period for the glucose challenge test in order to screen glucose intolerance during pregnancy.
- 89 Inhibitory effect of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) on the preimplantation development of mouse embryos.
- 30 Estimation of coagulatory regulation and endothelial cell function in pregnancy by the study of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) and thrombomodulin (TM).
- 414 The Effect of endothelin on isolated blood vessels of pregnant SHR.
- 392 When should glucose challenge tests be performed during pregnancy?
- 389 Study of insulin resistance in isolated fat cells from pregnant and nonpregnant women.
- 348 Hyperinsulinemia as a risk factor for endometrial carcinoma.
- 245 Significance of insulin action during the mensturial cycle : Changes of testosteron and insulin between follicular and luteral phases.
- 489 Studies on the regulatory mechanism of human endometrial decidualization.
- 369 Norepinephrine-induced contractions of isolated blood vessels of pregnant SHR given a saline load and inhibitory effects of Ca^ antagonists.
- 341 Effects of forskolin, phorbol ester and epidermal growth factor (EGF) on prolactin (PRL) production by human decidual cells.
- 292 Insulin resistance during pregnancy : Glucose transport activity and insulin binding in isolated skeletal muscle of rats.
- 248 Studies on the Role of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in human Endometrial Decidualization.
- 87 The effects of insulin antibodies on fetus in diabetic pregnancy.
- 59 Characteristics in the metabolism during puerperium : Insulin resistance in isolated adipocytes during puerperium.
- 63. The Study of the Pattern of the Serum Proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis on the Toxaemia of Pregnancy
- 433. Study on Insulin Resistance in Individual Tissues of Pregnant and Progesterone-treated Rats: Assessment by Euglycemic Clamp and 2-deoxyglucose Administration Method
- Estimation of Water Behavior for Afforestation in Desert of Western Australia using Stable Isotope Analysis
- 400 Role of α-atrial natriuretic peptide (α ANP) in human fetal membranes.
- 327 Specific binding of Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) to decidual cells and its effects on the prolactin production.
- 430. Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-β, Epidermal Growth Factor and Phorbol Ester on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Secretion
- 366. Immunohistochemical Localization and Secretory Regulation of Prolactin in Human Decidua
- 230. Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor on Human Endometrial Decidualization
- New Three-Dimensional Wafer Bonding Technology Using Adhesive Injection Method
- 201.Studies on the Variation of Serum Folic Acid Levels during Pregnancies and Puerperium : XXXIV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IV)
- 107 Regulatory factor of endometrial and decidual epidermal growth factor receptors.
- 432. Mechanism of Antilipolytic Action of Insulin in Rat Adipocytes during Pregnancy
- 28 Correlation between the sperm penetration assay using zona free hamster ova and human in vitro fertilization.
- 180. Study of the Fetal Growth on the Metabolisma in the Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes
- 91. Inhibitory Effect of Calcium Channel Blocker on the Contractive Response to Adrenergic Agent in Isolated Arteries from Pregnant SHR
- 35. An Effect of Pregnancy Specific β_1 glycoprotein (SP1) on the Experimental Gastric U1ceration of Mice
- 213. The Effect of Insulin-therapy before and during Pregnancy on the Fetal Growth in Offspring of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Mother Rats
- 87. Studies on Protein C:Ag and Coagulant Factors in Pregnant and Non pregnant Women, and Infants
- 47. Prostanoid and Fetal Growth in Pregnant SHR-SP (Stroke-prone SHR)
- 142. Fetal Platelets and Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in the Vascular Wall
- 137. Inhibitory Effect of Placental Extracts on ADP-induced Platelet Aggregation
- 76. The Study on the Heterogeneity of Human Placental Lactogen (hPL)
- 9. Assessment of Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose and Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) in Diabetic Pregnant Women
- 359.3-O-methylglucose Transport in Pregnant Rat Adipocytes : XXXXXX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(X)
- 358.Adipocyte Insulin Binding and Glucose Transport in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Pregnant Rat : XXXXXX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(X)
- 17.Study of Insulin Release from Isolated Islets of Langerhans of Rat in Pregnancy : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 358 Comparison of aggressive vs conservative management in patients with premature rupture of the membranes (PROM).
- 111 Severe Pre-eclampsia (HELLP syndrome) complicated with Multiple Organ Failure (MOF). Successful Therapy with Hemodialysis (HD) and Plasma exchange (PE).
- 173 Cardiovascular effect of Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) in newborn piglets during hypoxia.
- 144. The Response of Insulin, C-peptide, and Glucagon in Pregnancy : Studies in Maternal Weight and Birth Weight
- 138. Metabolic Significance of Cyclic Nucleotides in the Environment for Growth of the Fetus : Particularly, Physiological Change in c-AMP/c-GMP Ratio
- 137. Biochemical and Clinical Studies on SPI(β_1-SP_1-glycoprotein) and SP3(α_2-AP-glycoprotein)
- 192. Response of Glucagon, Insulin, C-peptide and Human Growth Hormone to Oral Glucose (50 gm.) in Late Pregnancy
- 246.Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effect of Placental LAP on ADP-induced Platelet Aggregation : XXXXII Hematology(II)
- 126. Relationship between the Patterns of FHR and the pH Value of Umbilical Artery in the Late Period of Labor
- A New Three-Dimensional Multiport Memory for Shared Memory in High Performance Parallel Processor System
- Three-Diensional Integration Technology Based on Wafer Bonding Technique Using Micro-Bumps
- 200 Studies on the hystological changes and PRL localization in mammary and uterine tissues in hyperprolactinemic immature female rats.
- 137 Decreased autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor-tyrosine kinase in rats at term gestation.
- 82. Clinical Evaluation of Chemoimmunotherapy for Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix
- 244. Effect of Kallidinogenase ou the Proliferation and Metastasis of Carcinoma Cell and Platelet Aggregation
- 243. Fundamental Clinical Investigation into Concomitant Use of Kallidinogenase in Cancer Chemotherapy
- 218. The Regulatory Role of Cyclic AMP and Cyclic GMP in Maternal Immunity
- 136. Serum β_2-Glycoprotein I in Pregnant Women and Newborns
- O-242 スコットランド北部に産するグレンネルグエクロジャイトの記載岩石学および年代学の再検討(20.変成岩とテクトニクス,口頭発表,一般講演)
- 159 Hypoxia-induced contractions of human umbilical arteries depend on intact endothelium.
- 57. The Concentrations of Pregnancy Specific β_1-glycoprotein (SP_1) in Saliva and Gastric Juice of Pregnant Women
- 200.Changes in Pregnant Sera of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A) : XXXIV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IV)
- 18.The Tissue Distribution of ^I Labeled SP_1 in the Mouse by Means of Autoradiographic Assay : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 411 The significance of presurgical serum CA-125 levels in patients with primary epithelial ovarian cancer. : relationship to chlinical stage, histological type and tumor voulume
- 390 Paraaortic lymph node status in adenocarcinoma of the endometrium and its metastatic potential.
- 373 Computed tomography and transrectal ultrasonography in endometrial carcinoma.
- 90 Prognostic factors and adjunctive treatments in patients after radical hysterectomy of stage IB cervical carcinoma.
- 293. Effects of Phorbol Ester, Forskolin, and Cholera Toxin on Estradiol Production in Rat Granulosa Cells
- 19. Effects of Phorbol Ester, Cholera Toxin, and Ca Ionophore A23187 on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Secretion and Protein Phosphorylation
- 485 The function of Gp170, the multidrug resistance gene products, in human placenta villous membrane vesicles.
- 484 Expression of P-glycoprotein in human placenta and hydatidiform mole
- 416. Studies on Contractility of Leiomyoma Tissues from Human Uterus
- 16.Glucose Oxidation and Insulin Receptor in Isolated Adipocytes from Rats Treated with Estradiol and Progesterone : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- Relation between Kink Effect and Impact Ionization Effect in SOI MOSFETs with Body Terminal
- Polymide Waveguide as Optical Interconnection for multi-Chip Module Application