72. Ovulation Induction with Prednisolone-Clomiphene Therapy in Clomiphene Failure
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1977-12-01
Okada H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec.,Dokkyo Univ. Sch. Med.
Iwasaki T.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Nippon Medical School
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Univ. of Tokushima
Higashiyama S.
Dept. Allied Health Sci. Sch. Med. Osaka Univ.
Higashiyama S.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Kyoto Prefectural Univ. Med.
Okada H.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
- 275 Immunohistochemical detection of uterine corpus cancer peroxidase using monoclonal antibody and its application to diagnosis of the cancer.
- 209 GSH-Peroxidase activity in endometrial cancer and its relation to the effect of chemotherapy.
- 420 Immunohistochemical localization of peroxidase on endometrial cancer using monoclonal antibody.
- 34 MPA inhibits ADM-resistance of endometrial cancer
- 34. The Search for Immunological Differences of Peroxidase between Endometrial Cancer Tissue and Normal Endometrium
- 510. Endometrial Smears as a Specimen for Culture of Chlamydial Antigen in PID
- 30. The Effect of the Chemoendocrine Therapy on the Metabolism of Freeradicals in Endometrial Carcinoma
- 189. Pulsatile Administration of LHRH : Its Effects on Induction of Ovulation in Anovulatory Menstrual Disorders and on Restoration of Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in the Early Puerperium
- 42. Sex Steroid Receptors in Normal Myometrium and Benign Uterine Tumor of Human Subjects
- 353. Direct Effect of Tranexamic Acid and Retinoic Acid on Proliferation of Cell Line Established from Human Ovarian Cancer Tissues
- 381 Differential effect of thermochemotherapy with medroxyprogesterone acetate in endometrial cancer.
- 380 Effectiveness of MPA and buthionie sulfoximine combination in chemotherapy of utrine endometrial cancer.
- 193. The Recovery of Chlamydia Trachoma-tis and the Prevalence of Antichlamydial Antibodies in Women with Adnexitis and Infertile Women
- 15. The Mechanism of Resistance of Human Ovarian Carcinoma to Cisplatin
- 1. Effects of Neuroendocrinfe Hormones on the Growth of Human Ovarian Cancer
- 309. Effects of Intrapeitoneal Instillations of Lymphokine-activated Killer Cells and Interleukin-2 on the Ascites Formation of Nude Mice Bearing Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
- 8. Effects of Prostaglandin D2 and Naloxone on Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferations
- 350. Circumvention of Resistance to Anticancer Drugs by Calmodulin Antagonists
- 254. Direct Radioimmunoasssay of Plasma and Urinary Conjugated Estrogens in Normal Menstrual Women and Normal Pregnants
- 263. A Study on Enolase Isozymes and Creatin Kinase Isozymes as Tumor Markers for Gynecological Malignancies
- 156 Sonographic detection of pathological hypertortion of umbirical cord by the "Pitch" of cord twisting
- 135. Doppler Ultrasound Exploration Cerebral Blood Flow in the Human Fetuses
- 443. Distribution of Extrahypophyseal Oxytocin in Pregnant and non Pregnant Rabbits
- 55. Oxytocin Stimulates the Generation of Inositol Trisphosphate in the Rabbit Gestational Myometrium
- 157. Modulation by Ca^ of Prostaglandins Synthesis in Human Placenta and Effect of Calmodulin Antagonist on its Prostaglandins Synthesis
- 364.Significance of Prostaglandins in the Progress of Labor with Various Levels of Plasma Oxytocin : XXXXXXI Initiation of Labor(I)
- 57. Changes in Free Calcium Levels during Contraction of the Rat Myometrium
- 56. Effects of Ovarian Steroid Hormones on Prostaglandins Receptor and Oxytocin Receptor in Pregnant Rabbit Myometrium
- 52. Changes in the Prostaglandins Production by Dispersed Cells from Human Placental Tissues in Parturition
- 368.A Labor Induction Method Devised from Fundamental Studies on the Mechanism of the Onset of Labor : XXXXXXII Initiation of Labor(II)
- 69.Biochemical Analysis of Fetal Blood in the Second Trimester Pregnancy : XII Fetus and Neonate(II)
- 111 Effects of antiphospholipid antibodies on prostacyclin production by cultured human vascular endothelial cells.
- 143. Characteristics of Partially Purified Cytoplasmic Progesterone Receptor in Rabbit Uterus
- 19. Steroid Hormone Receptors in Human Uterine Adenocarcinomas
- 206. Studies on FHR Tracings Recorded by the Abdominal Lead FECG Signal
- 71.Studies on FHR Baseline Variability in the Cases of EPH Gestosis : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 33.Relation of Myoma Growth and Steroid Receptor Mechanism : VI Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(I)
- 290 Control of local estrogen production by estrone sulfatase in human uterine myoma.
- 266 In vitro properties of pyridoglutethimide, a new selective aromatase inhibitor.
- 239 Study of lumbadorsalgia, osteoporosis and post oophorectomy by DPA, MD, MD/MS and CR.
- 246. Effect of Antiprogesterone RU 486 and Aromatase Inhibitors on Steroid Biosynthesis in Pregnant Rat Ovary
- 231. Estrone Sulfatase and Sulfotransferase in Normal and Neoplastic Endometrial Tissues of Human Uterus
- 358. The Healing Proess of Laser Irradiated Uterine Cervical Wound
- 1.An Attempt to Evaluate the Prognosis of Cervical Dysplasia by Colposcopy : I Malignant Tumor(I)
- 208. Differential Diagnosis of Lower Abdominal Lesions and the Significance of Contrast Enhancement
- 65 Menstrual abnormality, lumbago and bone minerals in young women.
- 64 Hyperlipidemia around menopause. : Effect of estrogen and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor.
- 269 Lipid peroxides and E_2-17-Sulfate in pregnancy.
- 33. Estradiol Dehydrogenase Activity in Human Normal and Neoplastic Endometrium
- 32. Serum Estrone Sulfate and Estradiol 17β in Patients with Uterine Myoma
- 36. The Suicide Inhibitory Effect of Aromatase in Human Placenta and Uterine Myoma by 10β-F-17α-ethyny1-19-nortestosterone(10β-F-ENT)
- 349.Provisional Renal Clearance of Estrogens in Normal and Complicated Pregnancy : XXXXXIX Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IX)
- 174.Estrogen Biosynthesis in Adipose Tissue of Patient with Gynecological Disease in vitro. Correlation with Body Surface Area, Age, Disease and Serum Testosterone-Estradiol Levels : XXIX Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(V)
- 305 Estrogen production in postmenopausal ovarian tumors.
- 230 Growth inhibition of MCF-7 human breat cancercells by aromatase inhibitors.
- 149 Placental aromatase in various abnormal pregnancies, measured by ELISA.
- 56 Effect of aromatase inhibitors on the growth of MCF-7 human mammary carcinoma cells.
- 402 Decreased placental aromatase in anencephalic pregrancy, measured by ELISA.
- 228 Effects of estrogen and FSH on the expression of aromatase in rat granulosa cells.
- 83 The inhibitory effect of 14_α-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,6,17-trione (14・OH-AT) and its derivatives on aromatase in various human tissue preparations.
- 12 Estimation of Medroxyprogesterone acetate against a human endometrial tumor constituted from the established Ishikawa cancer cells by a subrenal capsule assay.
- 200.Changes in Pregnant Sera of Pregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A) : XXXIV Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(IV)
- 35. Serum Immunoreactive Relaxin Levels in Pregnancy and Hydatidiform Mole
- 158. Localization of the Prostaglandin Receptor on the Plasma Membrane of Pregnant Rabbit Myometrium
- 68 Variation of β-endorphine(EP)/ACTH ratio in plasma of pregnant women without labor and with labor.
- 100. Response Indicator of Chemo-endocrine Therapy for Endometrial Cancer by Colony-forming Assay
- 166. Relation between Steroid Receptor Level and Prolactin Level in Human Uterine Decidua
- 49. Routes of Metastasis of Early Cervix Carcinoma and Advice on Surgical Treatment
- 296. Postoperative Outcome of Simple, Extended and Radical Hysterectomies without Pelvic Peritonealization
- 44. Anti-estrogenic Effects of Danazol and Gestrinone : A Study of Estradiol-estrogen Type II Binding Sites in Uterine Nuclear Fractions of Rabbits
- 232. Binding Sites for Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Cytosol or Membranous Fractions of Endometrial Carcinoma
- 134. Effects of Heparin on Coagulation, Fibrinolysis, and Serum Lipids in Patients with Toxemia of Pregnancy
- 12. Studies on Apolipoprotein A-I, A-II and B in Pregnancy
- 72. Ovulation Induction with Prednisolone-Clomiphene Therapy in Clomiphene Failure
- 52.Role of Prednisolone in Prednisolone-clomiphene Treatment in Clomiphene Failure : IX Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(IV)
- 414. Trials of Cisplatin-based IP Chemotherapy (IAP, CAP) for Patients with Ovarian Cancer
- 22. Inhibitory Effect of Cimetidine on Growth of Human Ovarian Tumor Transplantable to Nude Mouse and its Immunological Modulation
- 95. Establishment of a New Human Cultured Cell Line from a Prolactin Secreting Pituitary Adenoma and Effects of Bromocriptine and 17β-estradiol on its Proliferation
- 128. Direct Effects of Gonadal Steroids on the LH-RH Induced LH and FSH Secretion by Cultures of Rat Pituitary
- 80. Human Endometrial Peroxidase as a Marker for Estrogen Action in vitro
- 71. On the Pituitary Function in Cases with Galactorrhea-amenorrhea Syndrome
- 45.Study on Changes of Gonadotropin and Steroid Level after Radiotherapy in Cervical Cancer, and Ovarian Transposition for Preservation of Ovarian Function : VIII Endocrinology(II)
- 81. Aromatization of Androstenedione to Estrogen in Human Uterine Myoma : Relationship of Aromatase Activity and Estrogen Level in Uterine Myoma Node
- 310 Human tumor clonogenic assay for gynecologic cancers.
- 36 Inhibition of metastasis in gynecologic molignant tumors by medroxyprogesterone acetate with reference to tumor angiogenesis factor and fiboblast growth factor.
- 96. Increased Endogenous Opioid Activity in Hyperprolactinemic-amenorrheic Women
- 27.Metoclopramide Test : A Tool for Distiguishing between Tumorous and Nontumorous Hyperprolactinemia : V Endocrinology : Clinical Aspects(II)
- 190.The Significance of Serum Seromucoid in the Obstetric Field : XXXII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(II)
- 122 Approach to the quantitative measurment about reaction of the autonomic nervous by variation of digital plethysmogram under a cold-water challenge test (CWT) in women with climacteric disturbance.
- 408.Establishment and Characterization of a Cultured Cell Line Derived from Human Immature Teratoma : XXXXXXIX Ovarian Tumor(III)
- 285.Effects of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy on Natural Killer Activity in Patients with Malignant Tumor : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- 142. E_2 (Estradiol 17-β) in Luteal Function
- 375 The presence of an endogenous inhibitor for estrogen receptor in human endometrium and endometrial cancer.
- 72 Anti-estrogenic effects of gestrinone : Type II estrogen binding sites in uterine nuclear fractions.
- 238. Effects of Androgen on Various Steroid Receptors in Rabbit Uterine Tissue
- Immunocytochemical Localization of Epidermal Growth Factor in Rat Kidney.
- 357. The Correlation between Fetal Prolactin (PRL) and Catecholamines (With Zuckerkandl Organ and Adrenal Gland) at the Beginning of Labor
- 221. Differential Diagnosis of Lower Abdominal Tumor by Computed Tomography
- 252. Serial Cultivation of Human Granurosa Cells: Gonadotropin-like Effect of FGF