特別掲載 "卵胞ホルモン坐藥の臨床應用"
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It is well known that the follikel-hormone is well absorbed from the vaginal mucosa. Estrogen suppository was used intravaginally in cases of vaginitis and good results were obtained both clinically and from observations of the vaginal smear. 1) 16 cases of colpitis senilis and 6 cases of colpitis simplex were treated, all of which were completely cured. The average dose of total estrogen used was 15,000 i. u., and the average number of applications was 5. No effect for trichomonas vaginitis was noted. 2) Of the 10 cases of vulvovaginitis gonorrhoica, 8 were primarily cured and the other 2 reoccured, the latter were also cured by renewed treatment. The average number of applications sufficient for the disappearance of gonococci was 12.
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1951-07-01
- マウス惡性腫瘍の發育に及ぼす制癌劑の效果
- Estradiolペレツト埋沒による性ホルモン療法
- 30. マウス移植癌に對する性ホルモン及び抗癌物質の効果
- 32. Estrogen長期投與(ペレツト埋沒による)時におけるラツテ内分泌臟器の變化について
- 特別掲載 "卵胞ホルモン坐藥の臨床應用"
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- 性ホルモンの網状織内被細胞系機能に對する影響に就ての實驗的研究
- 12. 性ホルモンと肝臓との關係に就て : 第1報 卵胞ホルモンの肝臓内破壊作用 (第2囘日本産科婦人科學會總會講演要旨)
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