先天性胆道閉鎖症における肝および肝門部結合織塊の病理組織学的研究 : とくに肝内胆管と予後の関連について
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Histopathological studies of the liver and the bile duct remnants were carried out in 13 patients who had undergone hepatic portoenteroslomy for "non-correctable" type of biliary atresia. The patients were divided into two groups according to their postoperative course; Group A consisted of 10 patients who showed good excretion of bile and complete disappearance of jaundice postoperatively. Group B included 3 patients who showed good excretion of bile and complete disappearance of jaundice but prolonged liver dysfunction (n=2), or in whom jaundice persisted postoperatively (n=l). There was no remarkable difference of liver histology between these 2 groups, but de-generative changes of the bile duct epithelium in Group B. Histopathological examinations of the fibrous tissue transected at the porta hepatis disclosed that there were numerous minute bile ducts in all the specimens studied. Degenerative changes of the bile duct epithelium were, however, found in the specimens take from the patients who belonged to Group B. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the intraheptic bile ducts was carried out in 3 patients with biliary atresia; one belonged to Group A and other two patients belonging to Group B. Proliferation of intrahepatic bile ducts were noted but the main interlobular bile ducts and their branches were well preserved in the patient belonging to Group A, whereas there were obstruction and irregularity of the main interlobular bile ducts and their branches in the patients who belonged to Group B. The results of the present studies suggested that morphologic as well as functional changes of the inlrahepatic bile ducts are important to the prognosis of the patients with biliary atresia.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本小児外科学会の論文
- 1983-12-20
- 28.膵仮性のう胞の1例(第16回日本小児外科学会東海地方会)
- 19.新生児卵巣嚢腫の1例(第16回日本小児外科学会東海地方会)
- 84 肛門括約不全の手術的治療に関する実験的研究 : 第2報 : 自家遊離横紋筋移植の効果
- 82 直腸脱の病態と外科的治療について
- 13.先天性胆道閉鎖症における肝内微小胆管の三次元立体再構築像と予後との関連について(第10回胆道閉鎖症研究会)
- 出生前に診断された腹壁破裂(Gastroschisis)の1例
- 197 肛門括約不全の手術的治療に関する実験的研究(第一報)
- 188 直腸肛門内圧検査よりみた乳児痔瘻根治術前後における直腸肛門機能
- 27.7歳男児にみられた回腸異所性胃粘膜の1例(第17回日本小児外科学会東海地方会)
- 16.Cantrell 症候群の1例(第17回日本小児外科学会東海地方会)
- 22. Tc-HIDA 肝シンチグラム画像解析による先天性胆道閉鎖術後肝機能の検討(第 14 回日本小児外科学会東海地方会)
- 142 先天性胆道閉鎖術後における肝胆道シンチグラフィの検討 (第2報)
- 129 先天性胆道閉鎖症における肝の病理組織学的検討 : 肝内微小胆管の三次元立体再構築像と予後の関連を中心に
- 42 ヒルシュスプルング病に対する後方三角弁式直腸形成術の検討
- 48 H型気管食道瘻 : 自験例と本邦集計33例の検討
- 先天性胆道閉鎖症における肝および肝門部結合織塊の病理組織学的研究 : とくに肝内胆管と予後の関連について
- 6 ヵ月乳児にみられた炎症性肝外胆管狭窄の 1 例
- 238 直腸肛門管内圧の多方向同時測定による検討 : 第1報 : 正常児例
- 117 先天性胆道閉鎖術后における肝胆道シンチグラムの検討