ベータトロンのslow expansion system : 原子核実験(加速器)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1964-04-06
Dept.of Engineering Aomori University
Sugawara M.
Dept Of Phys. Tohoku Univ.
Abe K.
Dept of Phys. Tohoku Univ.
Kawamura N.
Dept of Phys. Tohoku Univ.
Kimura M.
Dept of Phys. Tohoku Univ.
- 6p-B-5 Cosmic-ray Test of the Installed Endcap RPC Modules in BELLE Detector
- 119 Estrogen production in common epithelial tumors of the ovary.
- 24. Viability of Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissues in Rats
- 27. Studies on Prevention the Small Volume Carcinoma of the Cervix from its Proliferation
- 14. Detection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA in Lesions of the Uterine Cervix and Vulva
- 14a-C-4 Inelastic Electron Scattering from N=82 Isotones
- Structure of Giant Resonance in the P^(p, γ) Reaction
- 51.Electron Microscopic Observations on Ovarian Perifollicular Vessels in Indomethacin-treated Rabbits : IX Sterility Family Planning
- 47.BANA-hydrolase Activity and Prostaglandin F_ in Rabbit Ovulation : IX Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(IV)
- 388. Collagen Content. its Synthetic Activities, and Immunohistochemical Localization of Collagen Types I and III in the Human Myometrium and Leiomyoma