Electromagnetic Effects on Rippling Instability and Tokamak Edge Fluctuations
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Electromagnetic efl'ects on rippling naode are irxvestigated an?tlytically and numeric?tl1y as acause of' low f'requency electrorn;rgnetic fltrcttnations in tokaun?tk edge region. It is shown that,in a current-carrying resistive plasma, the ptmrely groxving electrostatic rippling naode can ttrrnotnt to be an electrotnagnetic oscillartory instability. The resistivity fltrcttration and temperaturegradient are the taaain sotrrces of' this instal.>ility, which requires lcoth parallel and perpendictrl?rrwave vectors. It is found that tlae electrotaaagnetic effect not only stabilizes the rippling modebtmt also destabilizes in the higher tetaaperatttre region with stronger cotrjcling with Alfven waves.The Alfven waves in a cotrpled dispersion relation are found heavily dart'xped in strch dissip?ttiveplasmas.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-10-15
MURAKAMI Sadayoshi
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Murakami Sadayoshi
National Institute For Fusion Science
National Institute for Fusion Science
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- Electromagnetic Effects on Rippling Instability and Tokamak Edge Fluctuations
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