Core-and Valence-Exciton Effects on Spectra of Soft-X-Ray Radiation from Valence Band to Core Level in Wide-Gap Insulators
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The core- and v?t1ence-exciton ef['ects on the sof't-X-ray radiation spectra are theoretically stttdled. A three band systetaa, composed of' a dispersionless core band, a valence band and a con-duction band, is etaaployed as a typical exarnple for a xvide-gap instrlator. Intra-site Cotrlonabicinteractions between a core hole and a condtrction electron. and also a valence hole and thecondtrction electron are taken irmto account as the origin of' the core- and valence-excitons. Acore-hole -phonon interaction is also taken as an origin of a dissipation of a core-hole moraaenttrrta.Under this taaodel, the radiation spectra ?tre calculated by a quanturta taaechanical second orderoptical process. In the c?rse of low-energy off-resonance, a sharp peak of the valence-excitonappears in the spectra, whereas in the case of on-resonance with the conduction band, this peakbecornes very stnall. In the case of on-resonance with the core-exciton, an integrated intensityof the spectrtrm is very natmch enhanced, and a proraainent peak appears in the spectrtrn? dtre toan efficient optical conversion frorta the core-exciton to the valence-exciton.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
Minami Tatsuya
Institute Of Materials Structure Science The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
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- Core-and Valence-Exciton Effects on Spectra of Soft-X-Ray Radiation from Valence Band to Core Level in Wide-Gap Insulators