Physical Interpretation of Damage Spreading Phenomena
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Damage spreading phenomena are defined artificially in the dynamics of the Ising spin systemsin computer simulation. Random numbers used in computer simulations play a role to evolvethe system to thermal equilibrium states. When the dynamics is taken not only as an artificialtool which realizes an equilibrium state but also as some physical process, damage spreadingphenomena can be interpreted as physical objects. It is a main aim to give a concrete physicalimage to damage spreading phenomena which is artificially defined in original. Key propertyis a response f'or thermal noise by the interaction with a heat bath. Damage spreading as aphenomenon in tirne series is related with a spatial property in the percolation image of the Isingmodel by interpreting the Forttrin-Kasteleyn representation as a percolation itnage of the Isingmodels. This time-space relation reveals the essence of damage spreading as critical phenornenain physical systenas.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1997-02-15