Antiferromagnetic Long-Range-Order and Spin Waves in the Spin-Fermion Model on the CuO_2 Lattice
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Tlae s)cin-fermioua rrnodel on tlae Cub. lattice of tlte laiglv texnperature superconduct-ing oxides (1?ig1t-7'. oxides) is studied by a perturbation tlaeory. Vx'e require in our for-xtaulation that the SUIII rule of tlae spin correlation ftxnctioxts is satisfied, and that tlaerotational synaxnetry in the spix? s)cace are not broken, It is fouutd that t1?e spixa w'ave ve-locity decreases willa increasimag ltole concentratioxa 77... Vx'e find tltat tlae antifer-roxnagnetic (AF) 1oz?g-range-order (LRO) at zero teuta)cerature decreases Iixtearly v,'it]?doping holes near tt..=O and finally vanis1?es x'v'itla tl?e ixafinite slope at critical Itole con-centration zz'.. An exj>ressioua of t1?e AF LRO for zz,';i 0 and tlaat of n? are obtairted.Tlae 77,. dependence of' the AF LRO is found to be very sinailar to tltose obtained in tltetwo and tlaree dimensioxaal t-J models. We obtain semi-quantitative agr'eemeztt w'ithexperin'xexatal results of the laigh-7'. oxides as well as qualitatix'e 0118. Validity of t}ceperturbation approximation is discussed.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-10-15
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