Magnetic State of Manganese in BCC FeCo and FeNi Alloys; Investigations by NMR and Magnetic Measurements
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The Mn" nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and the saturation magnetiza-lion have been measured on bcc FeCo and Feat alloys containing small amountsof manganese at 4.2 K. Both of the observed Mn" resonance frequency and thededuced Mn magnetic moment show an anomalous jump at e/azS.3, where e isthe number of electrons in host and a the numbet' of host atoms. From the cor-respondence of the NMR and magnetic measurement resuults, the manganeseatom is interpreted to be in a low-moment state of 0.8 p. for e/a<S.2, and ina high-moment state of 3.0 p.for e/a>S.4. The data for e/a=S.3 can be explainedreasonably on the assumption that about 70 '% of manganese is in the low-momentstate and about 30 Z of manganese is in the high-moment state.
- 1978-02-15
論文 | ランダム
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