Multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock Calculations of the Hyperfine Structure Constants for the 1s^22s^2S and 1s^22p^2P States of^7Li and ^9Be^+
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Hyperfine strttcttrre constants are jcrecisely c?tlctrl;tied ['or the Is'2s '.51 7,. arxd Is'2p 'P3 /2.3/2states of' tlae "Li attotta arad the 'Be" iota. To describe acctrr;ttely the core jcolarization, xvlaicluis important for the h3zperfine strtrcttrre, XVdX'Cl fttt'rctions are geraerated witla a lar'ge-scale rntrlticonfigtrrational Hartree-Fock rauethod. Corrections dtre to the finite rrtrclear rrrass ?tnd size, El-merelativistic effect, atnd tl'ae qtr?rr'xttnrm electrodynaataaics (QED) ef['ect are consider'ed. The effectof the finite ratrclear size itucltrdes tl'xat of' tlae tauclear naagnetizartion strtrcttrre (Bohr-Weisskopfefl'ect). The corrected valtres of' the znagnetic dipole ?rnd the electr'ic cjttadrtrj.co1e 1a3'perfine strtrcttrre corastants of' Li are detertaained to be An /2 :: 401.7033(790) lN4Hz for the '.5. /2 st?tte, aradA.7. = 45.98429(715) ]VIHz, ,4./2 = -3.13482(55) 1lN4Hz, atacl B37. = -0.208395(10) X'IHz f'ortl'xe P? /2,3 /2 states. Time corresponding valttes for 'Be" are Aj /2 = -625.0608(1720) KIHz, andAa.7') = 117.9819(247) IIVIHZ,43/2 = 0.9381(18) lVIHz,atnd B37c = 2.26490(14) lN'IHz. Tlxepresent restrlt shows a s?ttisfactory ?rgreetaaent witla exjcerizneruts.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-08-15