Low-Temperature Conductivity of Al_<70>Pd_<22.5>Re_<7.5> Quasicrystals
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Tlae tnetal-instrlator (IVII) transition in AI7gPd3z.5Re7.5 qtrasicrystals xvith tlae resistixzity ratior : A4.2K//)300K ranging f'rotn 6 to 105 is identified by investigating the low-teraaperattrre con-ductivity and raaagnetocondtrctivity and analyzing the teraaperattrre belaavior of TV(T) m ",:",'.':'of the samples near the IN/I-I transntuon. Tlae extrapolated zero-ternperatture condtnctivity a(0) fortnetallic sarnples uaear the IVI-I transition is fottnd to vary as (II(O) : a0(l - ',)' with v = l andcritical resustuvnty ratuo r. : 12.8 i 0.5. For xveakly instrlating Al7gPdzz.5Re7.5 qtrasicrystals, thecondtrctivity o(T) is seen to cross oxrer frouaa IN/Iott's variable-range hopping dependence to tlaepower-laxv t,enmperattrre depender'uce.
- 1999-12-15
Wang C‐r
National Cheng Kung Univ. Tainan Twn
Lin S‐t
National Cheng Kung Univ. Tainan Twn
WANG Chang-Ren
Department of Physics,National Cheng Kung University
LIN Shui-Tien
Department of Physics,National Cheng Kung University
Wang Chang-ren
Department Of Physics National Cheng Kung University
Lin Shui-Tien
Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University
- Low-Temperature Conductivity of Al_Pd_Re_ Quasicrystals
- Low-Temperature Conduction Mechanism Near the Metal-Insulator Transition of Al_Pd_Re_ Quasicrystals : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.