Kondo and Crystal-Field Effects of U Impurities in Dilute(<La>_→U)_2Zn_<17>
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Siuagle-site properties of the U ion in dilute (LQU)2Z11]7, a counterpart of a heavy-electroncouuapotrnd U2Zl117, laave been dedtrced froraa p(T), ')(.(T) arad C.(T) meastrred on single crys-tals. Re?narkable feattrres in the diltrte liraait have been clarified, xvlaicla include typical irn-purity Kondo behavior in p(T), large and highly arxisotropic Xirnr'(")= and strongly er'xlaancedC3..,(T)/T with a shotrlder in Cj...('Z') arotrzad 3K auad a htrge (record-laigh 2ll11Ol1g U systetaas)fiimp : l.55J/K'-tnole-U as T -: 0 associated xvith a low characteristic energy-scale of thesystetaa. XVitla these feattrres, the systeun can Ice characterized as in the Kondo liuauit. Indeed,gross feat.trres of' the data are explained, except for the f..(,-dependence of 'imr'(")= in terransof tlae conventional Coqblin-Schrieffer rtaodel in the presence of the crystal field with the (5.7')'f5 dotrblet groutud state. It is also sluoxvn th?tt lcelaavior of dense U2ZIl17 is raot described as acollection of the U iuaapttrities in (L2[U)2Zl117.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-11-15
SUZUKI Hiroyuki
Physics Department, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Takagi Shigeru
Crest Japan Science And Technology Corporation
Suzuki Hiroyuki
Physics Department Graduate School Of Science Tohoku University
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- Kondo and Crystal-Field Effects of U Impurities in Dilute(_→U)_2Zn_
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