- 論文の詳細を見る
A study was conducted to reveal the relationship between hand and leg reaction time. The variation of reaction time was compared before and after exercise during training camps. In order to measure the reaction time, a newly devised instrument was connected with pendulum chronoscope. 1) Hand and leg reaction time. The test consisted of four different procedures. The hand and leg reaction time was measured to visual stimulation by means of falling ball and lamp. It was found that hand reaction time to lamp was faster (223 msec.) than to falling ball (279 msec.), the leg reaction time was almost same as 453 msec. to lamp and to falling ball. 2) Reaction time during basketball and swimming training. The reaction time, pulse, body temperature, blood pressure, weight and grip strength were measured during camp of basketball and swimming of training of one week. It was found that the reaction time to the lamp became longer on 3tn day and the 6th day during the basketball training, and on 3th day of swimming training. On the other hand, reaction time to touch was almost constant over the training period. It is suggested from these results that change of reaction time to visual stimulus must be useful to detect farigue of individuals during sports training.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1966-09-25
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