速さを要する技術, Sports等に対する適性検査の一方法
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A new method of the test of mental fitness for sports and acts requiring quickness, such as tennis, ping-pong or volleyball, typing, driving the car is described. The method is d sort of measurement of the complex reaction time with the visual stimulus. The aparatus for stimulation and recording the reaction consists of a board (40 X 50cm)set, vertically providing 5 small lamps labelled A, B, C, D and E, and a switch board for only reaction providing 5 keys corresponding to each lamp. The Lamps are lighted independently each other by stimulating keys which is switched at random in each 10 sec. The subject sits on bench before the reaction board and pushes the key with hand or foot rapidly when the stimulation lamp is on. If the subject resbonds in a correct way, the light is on the same lamp. The Reaction time from lighting until pushing and which lamp was lighted are recorded by the difference of hights on paper of the pen wrighting oscillograph. From measured values, a mean reaction time of the correct response of 30 reactions is calculated. The score of the test is described as the following: when the mean reaction time is 300 msec. the fundamental point is 100; when 600 msec the point 50 and so forth. Each mistake of response is counted as minus 2, and the reaction time beyond a certain range (500 msec) also is counted as minus l for each response. The score obtained in this way is 20〜30 at the first test. The method was proved to be well usful as the test method of agility for men tnd women, and particulary useful to know the learning effect of a subject in some sports or acts.
- 社団法人日本体育学会の論文
- 1966-03-25
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