タイミングコントロールに関する研究 : 視機能がタイミング動作に及す影響について, 第4報
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In this study, we report the effect regarding the relationship between the visual sense in the dynamic moving visual field and timing error considered from the under-mentioned aspects. 1) Regarding the timing action gazing after the moving object what kind of effects those three conditions will be brought to the timing error. (1) velocity of movement, (2) direction of movement, (3) visual distance. 2) Regarding the timing action when the timing-point and the moving object were peripherally visioned, how the timing error be effected by the variation of moving direction of the object. The results of there measurements are as follows: I. Timing Action by Follow up Sight. 1) When the velocity of object is 1M/Sec., the value of the timing error was maximum, and at this time as a top value of error, it decreased in both cases of increase and decrease of velocity of the object. The timing errors decreased. 2) In case the velocity was slow, it was easy to fit the timing in short distance, and in case the velocity was swift, it was easy to fit the timing in far distance. The relationship between the velocity of visual object and visual distance was; the easiest case to fit the timing is that the angle-velocity is 40O゜/Sec. 3) In case the object moves in vertical direction, the value of the timing error was the smallest, diagonal direction, next, and horizontal direction was the last. II. Timing Action by Peripheral Vision. 1) When the object moved up and down, in comparing the upper part around the timing point with the lower part, the lower part had the smaller value in its timing error than another. In case the object was moving left and right the left side of the timing point had the smaller value in its timing error compared with the right side. 2) When compared the case when the visual object moves from the peripheral field of vision to wards the center with the case vice versa, the latter had the smaller value than the former in its timing error.
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