英国におけるナショナル・カリキュラム(体育)が学校体育カリキュラムの実際に及ぼしている影響に関する検討 : 通学制私立中等学校の事例研究
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Since the introduction of the National Curriculum in England and Wales in 1992, a number of research studies have examined the impact of the Physical Education National Curriculum. Almost all of these studies have focused on the conditions in state schools, because only these schools must adhere to the National Curriculum. However, the fact that independent schools have not had to follow the National Curriculum does not signify that the school P.E.curricula in these schools are not influenced by it. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the P.E.National Curriculum on independent schools by examining the P.E.curricula and interviewing P.E.teachers in three independent day secondary schools in Manchester, England. The study clarified the following points : 1)The amount of time devoted to P.E.lessons in these three schools was higher than that in state secondary schools and certain independent boarding schools(so-called public schools)because on the time allotted for games. 2)In two of these three schools, games lessons were taught as a compulsory part of the daily timetable, although many team games were taught during other P.E.lessons in the other school. 3)The time allocated for games in these three schools equated to extra-curricular games in public schools. These activities have been emphasized as a tradition in English independent schools. 4)Although all of the P.E.teachers in these three schools agreed with the P.E.National Curriculum, it has created little change in their P.E.curricula. 5)The P.E.teachers in these three schools considered that the existence of the National Curriculum, which prescribes physical education as a compulsory subject, may be advantageous to them when endeavoring to place P.E.lessons firmly in their school curricula. Therefore, rather than the actual content of the P.E.National Curriculum, they agree with the principle of having a broad and balanced curriculum, as prescribed by the National Curriculum. This case study reveals that the P.E.National Curriculum has an indirect influence on the implementation of P.E.curricula in these three independent day secondary schools.
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