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To get basic data on exercise prescription in the growing stages, it was attempted to investigate the growth of white albino rats (JCL : SD strain) under the various swimming loads. Following results were obtained. A. The effects of exercise prescription to small cage raising : 1) Non-swimming small cage (7.5×l5×20cm) group was resulted -17.5% accumulated food intake, -14.3% average body weight and -6.8% average tail length to the non-swimming normal cage (15×30×20cm) group. 2) In 16 min and 96 min actual swimming time/week, small cage groups were little or no diminished on the difference of the body weight and tail length to each corresponded normal cage groups. B. The amount of swimming time and the peak value of growth : 1) In 48 min actual swimming/week, peak values were observed on the femur length, gastrocnemius and femur weight. 2) In 96 min actual swimming/week, peak values were taken on the tail length, body, heart and adrenal weight. 3) In 384 min actual swimming/week, no peak value was observed, and significant decreases were indicated on the femur length, gastrocnemius and femur weight to the non-swimming. C. The growing difference between intermittent and continuous swimming : 1) In 16 min and 96 min actual swimming/week, continuous (repetitions 16 min swimming and 2 min rest) groups were obviously higher. than in intermittent (repetitions 2 min swimming and 2 min rest) groups on the food intake, tail and femur length, heart, adrenal, liver, kidney, gastrocnemius and femur weight, cross section area and marrow cavity area of femur, except the body and spleen weight. 2) In 384 min actual swimming/week, however, continuous group was indicated such remarkable decrease on almost all tissues and organs that the body, spleen and gastrocnemius weight were showed lower than the non-swimming group. D. The tendency of growing process about training frequency and actual swimming time : 1) It was found that the larger grow in training frequency (1 day, 3 days and 6 days/week) and actual swimming time (60 min and 120 min/week), the more increase in the food intake, heart weight, adrenal weight, breaking bending load, proportion of muscle fiber and average area/fiber in cross section of gastrocnemius. 2) But, on 3 days training frequency in 60 min actual swimming and 1 day training frequency in 120 min actual swimming, the tail and femur length, and gastrocnemius and femur weight were the largest growth among these three training frequency. 3) The bending strength of femur on 3 days training frequency was indicated the strongest one in both of 60 min and 120 min actual swimming groups.
- 日本体力医学会の論文
- 1983-06-01
- 53.パントテン酸欠乏時の副腎皮質および肝臓等の組織学的所見
- 52.ラツテの寒冷抵抗におよぼすパントテン酸の影響
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- 発育期の運動処方に関する実験的研究
- 継続運動および持続運動がラットの発育におよぼす影響について : 体型,体位,発育発達等に関する研究 適応と訓練効果に関する研究
- 130.ラットの成長期における運動の質および量が大腿骨の発育に与える影響について : 体型・体位・発育発達
- 51.ラツテの遊泳能力に及ぼすパントテン酸の影響
- 50.ボート合宿時の体力におよぼすパントテン酸の効果
- 30.水温に関する呼吸生理の基礎的研究
- 72.履物と姿勢について(II) : エネルギー代謝より見た考察
- 71.履物と姿勢について〔I〕 : 筋電図学的考察
- 10.各種スポーツのエネルギー代謝に関する研究(IV) : 中長距離疾走及びマラソンの運動強度に関する再検討